Dynamic Storage Technology shadow volume pairs can be configured as cluster resources with OES Cluster Services. This section describes two methods for configuring the cluster resource, how to manage the shadow volume in a cluster, and how to remove a shadow relationship from a cluster resource.
Section 17.2, Planning for DST Shadow Volume Pairs and Policies in a Cluster
Section 17.3, Preparing the Nodes to Support DST in a Cluster Environment
Section 17.4, Configuring the DST Pool Cluster Resource with Two Cluster-Enabled Pools
Section 17.6, Sample Scripts for a DST Pool Cluster Resource
Section 17.7, Configuring Shadow Volume Policies for the Clustered DST Volume Pair
Section 17.8, Renaming a Shared Pool in a DST Cluster Resource
Section 17.9, Renaming a Shared Volume in a DST Cluster Resource
Section 17.10, Removing the Shadow Relationship for a Clustered DST Volume Pair
Section 17.11, Upgrading a Cluster with DST Resources from OES 2 SP3 to OES 2015 or Later