9.3 Extending the Domain Post Provisioning

DSfW enables you to map multiple partitions to the domain post provisioning by using the domain partition management tool. The domain partition management tool manages partitions in the domain name space by adding or removing partitions. The tool can be used to manage local as well as remote domains, and it must be executed only from a DSfW server. The tool uses the following syntax:

domaincntrl <Operation> [arguments]

NOTE:To perform add and remove operations, you must ensure that all the domain controllers of a domain are up and reachable.




Lists the current domain partition list.


Adds a partition to the domain name space. You can use this operation to specify the partition to be added to the domain name space from the list of partitions that are displayed. When you specify a partition, the tool runs validation checks on the partition before adding it to the domain name space. When the partition is added to the domain name space, the partition is samified.

The add operation cannot be performed for the following:

  • Domain root partition

  • Configuration partition

  • Schema partition

NOTE:To add a partition to the domain, all the domain controllers must have either read/write or master replica of the partition that is being added.


Removes the specified partition from the domain name space. When you specify a partition, the tool runs validation checks on the partition before removing it from the domain name space. When the partition is removed from the domain name space, the partition is desamified.

The remove operation cannot be performed for the following:

  • Domain root partition

  • Configuration partition

  • Schema partition


Samifies the specified partition. Samification can be done only for domain partitions. The add operation calls this operation internally. However, if samification is not successful when you use the add operation, you can perform samification explicitly by using this operation. If the specified partition contains several users or groups, the samification process can be time-consuming.


Desamifies the specified partition. This operation can be run only on local domains and not on remote domains. The remove operation calls this operation internally. However, if desamification is not successful when you use the remove operation, you can perform desamification explicitly by using this operation.


Prepares the server with the following sequence of activities:

Schema version check: Checks the Schema version to determine if the version on the server is OES 2 SP3 or later. If the schema version is lesser than OES 2 SP3, an error message is displayed suggesting the user to extend the schema on the server and abort the operation.

uniqueDomainID attribute check: Searches for uniqueDomainID attribute on the domain root. If attribute is not found, the attribute is updated on the domain root.

Samification: Samifies all the objects in the eDirectory partition that is mapped to the DSfW domain.

NOTE:This option must be used only if the server is migrated from OES 2 SP2.


Displays usage of the command.




Specifies the remote domain name. This argument cannot be used with the desamify operation.


Enables debugging.


Lists the partition mapping forest-wide. This argument is used only with the list operation.


Sends debug logs to the specified file.

9.3.1 Examples

domaincntrl --list

Lists the current local domain partition list.

domaincntrl --list -F

Lists the partition list of each domain in the forest.

domaincntrl --list -a example.com

Lists the partition list of the example.com remote domain.

domaincntrl --add -d

Adds a partition to the local domain name space with debugging enabled.

domaincntrl --add -a example.com

Adds a partition to the remote domain name space.

domaincntrl --remove -d -o /tmp/out.txt

Removes a partition from the local domain name space with debugging enabled and saves the logs to the out.txt file.

domaincntrl --samify

Samifies the specified domain partition.

domaincntrl --samify -a example.com

Samifies the example.com remote domain partition.

domaincntrl --desamify

Desamifies the specified partition.