Chapter 2: Configuring Enterprise Server/MTO

This chapter explains the Enterprise Server/MTO configuration required for CICS service interfaces.

For information on configuring Enterprise Server/MTO for an IMS application, see the chapter IMS Installation Verification of your Micro Focus Server Configuration and Administration Guide.


The CICS applications you can extend using Net Express must be running under Enterprise Server with Mainframe Transaction Option (ES/MTO).You can use applications that have been created in Net Express, that have been migrated to Net Express from the mainframe, or that have been migrated from Mainframe Express. You must have your CICS application running in ES/MTO before you can access it via a service interface.

For complete information on running a CICS application under ES/MTO, see the section Deploying to Enterprise Server in the chapter CICS Walkthrough in your Mainframe Transaction Option Developer's Guide.

Create an Enterprise Server

When you create an enterprise server instance for your application, configure it as follows:

Updating Existing Resource Definitions

You must update your application's exisiting resource definition files to include resource definitions that are required for CICS services. To do this, use the caspcupg utility, located in your Net Express ver\Base\Bin directory. Execute the utility from a Net Express command prompt as follows:

caspcupg /dp=resourcedefinitionpath /o

Where resourcedefinitionpath is the path to your resource definition (.rdf) file.

Caspcupg writes a list of updated or added resources to the screen and to a log file.

Once you have updated your resource definitions, you must add the DFHBRDG group to your startup list. We supply an IMTKCICS startup list that already contains DFHBRDG. For more information on startup lists, see the section Controlling CICS Resources in the chapter Administering MTO-enabled Enterprise Servers for CICS of your Micro Focus Server Mainframe Transaction Option Configuration and Administration Guide.

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