! A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
No entries
"accessData method 5.5.5
client 4.2.1
clients 4.2
messages 4.2.3
properties 4.3.1
proxy 4.2.2
, 4.2.5
ActiveX and Java 9.1
ActiveX object 4.3.1
debugging 4.3.4
methods 4.3.1
registering 4.3.2
, 4.4
remote 4.4
starting 4.2.2
Aggregation 4.3
No entries
CALL-RECOVERY Compiler directive 11.1.1
Calling Java from COBOL 6.1
Calling Object COBOL from Java 7.1
Canceling a program 2.3.6
Catch, Java exceptions 6.3.5
Class methods in Java 7.3.3
Class Wizard 4.3
, 4.3.1
CLASSPATH environment variable 6.2.1
Client, ActiveX 4.2
cobcall() function 2.3.3
COBJVM environment variable 6.2.1
cobload() function 2.3.2
cobloadclass() function 7.3.2
Compiler directive
OOCTRL(+P) 4.3
OOCTRL(+p-f) 6.2.2
Compiling, Java programs 6.2.3
Constructor, Java 6.3.2
Converting out-of-process servers 4.3.1
Data type
identifiers 5.4
Variant 5.4
Data type coercion 3.1
Java Ch8
OLE automation 5.2
Data type identifiers 5.4.2
DATA-CONTEXT Compiler directive 11.1.1
, 11.2.1
DCOM 4.3
, 4.4
ActiveX objects 4.3.4
OLE automation servers 4.3.4
Declaring Java classes 6.3.1
Demonstration programs
Java 2.6
, 7.5
Distributing OLE automation servers 4.4
DllOleLoadClasses 4.3.2
dllserver.obj 4.3.1
Domains Ch3
classes 3.2.1
Java 6.1
, 7.1
messages 3.2.2
OLE automation Ch4
, Ch6
, Ch7
Editing registry entries 4.5
EJBs 7.4
Enterprise Java Beans 7.4
Environment variable
COBJVM 6.2.1
Error code, OLE automation 4.2.6
Example, creating an OLEVariant 5.4.2
Exception, OLE automation 4.2.6
Exceptions, Java thrown from COBOL 7.3.4
Exceptions from Java 6.3.5
EXTFH interface, WebSphere 11.3
Active proxy 4.2.5
Java object 6.3.7
Function overloading, Java 6.3.3
Garbage collector, Java 6.3.7
"getCharArray" method 5.4.3
"getOLEObject" method 5.4.3
"getString" method 5.4.3
"getVariant" method 5.4.3
No entries
I Proxy handle 5.3
In-process server, building 4.3.1
INITCALL(CBL_DEBUGBREAK) Compiler directive 11.1.1
Instantiating Java objects 6.3.2
Java Ch2
adding COBOL methods 7.3.3
by content 2.3.3
, 2.3.4
by reference 2.3.3
, 2.3.4
by value 2.3.3
, 2.3.4
calling COBOL 2.3.4
calling from COBOL 6.1
calling Object COBOL 7.1
compiling programs 6.2.3
data type coercion Ch8
declaring classes 6.3.1
demonstration programs 2.6
, 7.5
domain Ch6
exception handling 6.3.5
exception thrown from COBOL 2.5.1
multi-threading 2.3.1
overloading methods 7.3.3
Set up COBOL Support 6.2
static functions 7.3.3
String 2.4
StringBuffer 2.4
throwing exceptions from COBOL 7.3.4
unsupported JVM 7.2.1
wrapper 7.3.2
Java Native Interface 2.5
Java package 6.3.1
Java wrapper functions 7.3.3
JNI 2.5
jvm.dll 6.2.1
No entries
Legacy COBOL Ch2
Memory leak 6.3.7
ActiveX object 4.3.1
Java 7.3.3
mfcobol.jar 2.3
mfole.cpy 5.2
, 5.4
Microsoft Transaction Server Ch10
Java 2.3.1
OLE automation 4.3.6
"newWithData" method 5.4.2
Object references, OLE automation 5.3
Object Request Broker Ch3
Objectcontext methods 10.1.5
OLE Automation
Data type identifiers 5.4.2
server class 4.3.1
OLE automation
client 4.2.1
data type coercion 5.2
data types Ch5
debugging servers 4.3.4
event loop 4.3.4
exception base number 4.2.6
exceptions 4.2.6
message type 4.2.3
object references 5.3
OLE error code 4.2.6
properties 4.3.1
registration 4.3.2
, 4.4
sample program 4.1.1
server class 4.3.1
servers 4.3
OLE object 5.3
OLE objects, SafeArrays 5.5.4
ole32.lib 4.3.1
OLEBase 4.3
olesafe.cpy 5.5.1
olesup 5.3
olesup class 4.2.3
, 4.2.6
"getBaseOleException" 4.2.6
"getLastSCode" 4.2.6
"setDispatchType" 4.2.3
OLEVariant 5.4
before using 5.4.1
creating 5.4.2
read data 5.4.3
sample program 5.4
OOCTRL(+P), directive 4.3
OOCTRL(+p-f), compiler directive 6.2.2
See Object Request Broker
Overloading methods 7.3.3
Package, Java 6.3.1
Procedural COBOL Ch2
Properties 4.3.1
get 4.2.3
, 4.2.3
set 4.2.3
, 4.2.3
Proxy object 4.2.2
, 4.2.5
"queryClassInfo" method 4.3.2
"queryLibraryInfo" method 4.3.2
Reentrant(2) directive 2.3.1
Regedit 4.3.2
, 4.5
ActiveX objects 4.3.2
remote ActiveX objects 4.4
Registering OLE automation servers 4.3.2
Registering remote OLE automation servers 4.4
"registerServer" method 4.3.2
Registry entry 4.3.1
regsvr32 4.3.2
runtime.class 2.3
, 2.3.3
SafeArray 5.5
bounds 5.5.3
creating 5.5.2
dimensions 5.5
, 5.5.3
direct access 5.5.5
element size 5.5.3
example 5.5.2
, 5.5.3
, 5.5.4
index 5.5
OLE objects 5.5.4
olesafea.cpy 5.5.1
other data types 5.5.4
prerequisites 5.5.1
reading 5.5.4
sample program 5.5
strings 5.5.4
type of data 5.5.3
Variants 5.5.4
writing 5.5.4
"setCharArray" method 5.4.2
"setOLEObject" method 5.4.2
"setString" method 5.4.2
Starting an ActiveX object 4.2.2
Sun Java run-time system 6.2.1
Thread-local-storage 2.3.1
Throwing Java exceptions from COBOL 7.3.4
Transaction Server (Microsoft) Ch10
building a component 10.1.6
Context object 10.1.3
creating a component 10.1
debugging 10.2
example 10.3
executing 10.2
GetObjectContext 10.1.3
Objectcontext methods 10.1.5
ojbectcontext class 10.1.2
ojbectcontext.dll 10.1.2
structure of a component 10.1.1
terminating a component 10.1.4
TX Series Ch11
Type coercion 3.1
Java Ch8
OLE automation 5.2
Type libraries 4.3.5
Type library 4.2.4
"unAccessData method 5.5.5
"unregisterServer" method 4.3.2
Unsupported JVM error 7.2.1
Usage clauses 2.3.3
, 2.3.4
, 4.5
VARIANT, Data types 5.4.2
data structures 5.4.1
example 5.4.2
Variant data type 5.4
VARIANT-vartype field 5.4
Variants, SafeArrays 5.5.4
WebSphere Ch11
Windows registry 4.3.2
, 4.4
editing entries 4.5
Class 4.3
, 4.3.1
Wrapper class, Java 7.3.2
No entries
No entries
No entries