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Chapter 4: Start Here for the Tutorials

Welcome to the "Getting Started" tutorials of Net Express!

4.1 Overview

If you've come to this book from the Start Here! screen in the help, you've probably come straight to this chapter, skipping the earlier chapters. This is the last chapter in Part I. From this chapter, you can go straight into the other Parts, which consist of tutorials. There's one Part for each major area of Net Express. Each Part contains one or more chapters, each of which is a tutorial session.

(You should read the earlier chapters in Part I at some point. They give an overview of what's in Net Express, and lots of practical advice on finding information in the documentation.)

These sessions assume you're familiar with COBOL and with the operating system you're using - Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, or Windows NT 4.0 - but that you've never seen Net Express or any other Micro Focus software before.

It's essential that you read the following before you start.

4.2 Terminology and Conventions

Windows In this book, we generally say "Windows" as an abbreviation for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, and/or Windows NT 4.0.
Version numbers Any version numbers in the text on menu items are omitted in the examples.
Mouse buttons We assume your main mouse button is the left-hand one. If you've configured your mouse to reverse the buttons, please swap the words "left" and "right", as applied to mouse buttons, throughout.
Clicking The word "click" means a single click of your main (left-hand) mouse button. If you are to double-click or right-click, the instructions say so.
Case In general in these sample sessions you need not worry about using exactly the combination shown of upper and lower case. Windows is not case sensitive. The few places where case is important are indicated.
Directory and folder In Windows, the terms directory and folder are used interchangeably. You enter a directory, and a directory has subdirectories. Equivalently, you open a folder, and a folder contains other folders. In the Net Express documentation, both types of terminology are used. In this book we mostly use the term "folder".
Drive In writing the names of folders within Net Express, we will write d: for the drive letter. Replace this by the letter of the drive where you installed Net Express.

4.3 Tips

Using this book Your screen may get crowded during these sessions - you'll often have several windows open. If you're displaying this book online in your Web browser, it may frequently be covered by other windows. You may prefer to work from the printed book. However, the online version has many links to help you move quickly through the book. A good compromise is to print out each chapter from your browser, and keep the browser open in a small or minimized window, enlarging it when you need to use the links.
Returning after a link If you've clicked a link to another chapter, and you want to get back to where you came from, click your browser's Back button twice to get back both the text and the Table of Contents.
Cross-references In these sessions, cross-references you might want to look at immediately are written as links. Cross-references suggesting places to look later are not links.
Windows techniques

Some Windows techniques that are commonly used are described briefly in the appendix Windows Tips.

Reloading projects

Successive sessions sometimes use the same project. If you close Net Express between sessions, you will find it useful to know the ways you can reload a project.

Optionally, when Net Express starts, it loads whatever project was open when you closed Mainframe Express. To make sure this option is on, click Customize on the Options menu, then click the Workspace tab and ensure there is a check mark by Reload files and last project on startup. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Other ways of opening an existing project are to use Open or Recent Projects, which are both on the File menu.

4.4 Tutorials Map

Each session is one chapter. In the online version of this book, you can get to a chapter by clicking its box below. It's essential that you do the first session before any of the others. After that, the following tree diagram shows their interdependence - if two tutorials are joined by an arrow you must do the first one before the second.

These "Getting Started" tutorials are intended to give you a quick introduction to the areas they cover, by taking you through some of the most common tasks. Full information on all these areas is in the Help and the online books, as described in the chapter Finding Information. The Help and online books are all accessible from your Windows Start menu.

Copyright © 2000 MERANT International Limited. All rights reserved.
This document and the proprietary marks and names used herein are protected by international law.

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