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System Requirements and Prerequisites

Before installing or configuring Automated Sign-On for Mainframe, the following products and systems must be in place.

System Requirements and Prerequisites for Automated Sign-on for Mainframe

Requirement Comment
MSS version 12.5 or higher installed on the designated server
See the MSS Installation Guide for System Requirements
Automated Sign-On for Mainframe Add-On product activation file installed on the MSS server
LDAP directory for user authorization
Micro Focus terminal emulation software:
- Reflection or InfoConnect Desktop 16 or higher Workspace Automated Sign-on sessions require Reflection or InfoConnect Desktop version 16.2 or higher
- Host Access for the Cloud 2.4 or higher
- Reflection for the Web 12.3 SP1 or higher The version must be compatible with MSS. See the Reflection for the Web Release Notes.
- Rumba+ Desktop 9.4.1 or higher
on the client and administrator workstations

Note: The emulator client must have the API functionality that enables Automated Sign-On for Mainframe.
z/OS with DCAS installed See Appendix A. Configuring DCAS and RACF on z/OS
TLS connection (default is TLSv1.3, TLSv1.2) from the MSS Administrative Server to DCAS