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How Automated Sign-on for Mainframe Works

Follow the flow of activity from the end user's terminal logon through the automated sign-on to the mainframe application.

diagram flow

  1. Launch the emulation client (such as Reflection or InfoConnect Desktop, Host Access for the Cloud, or Rumba+), and authenticate to the MSS Administrative Server. The client connects to the host, which prompts for the user’s credentials.

  2. The Client requests the user’s host credentials from the MSS Administrative Server.

  3. The MSS Administrative Server retrieves the user's mainframe user name from the data store of mapped mainframe user names.

  4. The MSS Administrative Server passes the host application ID and the end user's mainframe user name to Digital Certificate Access Server (DCAS) on the z/OS mainframe, and requests a PassTicket.

  5. DCAS exchanges information with RACF and retrieves a PassTicket, which is then returned to the MSS Administrative Server.

  6. The MSS Administrative Server returns the user's mainframe user name and the PassTicket to the emulation client.

  7. The terminal emulation client's login macro sends the user's mainframe user name and PassTicket to the host application. The user is automatically logged on.