
Credential Store Reports - Reflection for the Web

Credential Store Reports are available only for Reflection for the Web. You can run reports to see the Credential Store Users and to the Usage History (by user, date, and host).

Credential Store Users

Click Users to see a count of credential store users. You can also request a list of credential store users. In this case, the report output includes both the number of users and a list of every user who has credentials stored in the credential store.

The Users report displays the count of credential store users. The Show list of users report includes the identity of every user in the credential store.

Credential Store Usage History

Select a date and time range for the usage history report. You can specify day, month, year, and hour for both the From and To portion of the range. Credential store usage can be based on Access by user or Access by host.


Credential store usage reports are empty when credential store logging is disabled. To enable logging for the Credential store, go to Configure Settings > Logging.

In the Filter string box, provide a user or host name for the query; then click Access by user or Access by host. All appropriate names containing that string will be included in the report.

Usage History- Access by user

When you request the Access by user Usage History report, the resulting report displays access by users that match the string specified. The resulting report includes the date of access, the user's identity, the message, and the access category.

If the report is empty, be sure to enable logging for Credential store on the Configure Settings > Logging panel.

Usage History - Access by Host

When you request a Usage History report for a host name, you can also filter by any other string that appears in the message field of the credential store log.

The resulting report displays access to hosts that match the specified string. The resulting report includes the date of access, the user's identity, the message, and the access category.

If the report is empty, be sure to enable logging for Credential store on the Configure Settings > Logging panel.