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Display Options

Either keep the default to show All IDs, or use the drop-down menu to filter the display by the current ID attributes. Choose from these options:

  • All IDs: the default

  • Allocated IDs: only those pools that contain IDs that have been allocated.

  • Non-allocated IDs: only those pools that contain IDs that have not been allocated

  • Timed Out IDs: only those pools that contain IDs that have timed out.

  • Held IDs: only those pools that contain IDs that are in Hold status.

  • Timed Out and Held IDs: only those pools that contain IDs that are in a simultaneous status of being timed out and held.



The Refresh button applies to both tables, while the Hold and Release buttons apply only to a selected pool.

  • Refresh all settings on this panel.

    Click Refresh to redisplay the settings for each Pool and Association Set, including changes made on the individual panels.

  • Hold all IDs in a particular pool.

    To set an administrative Hold on all of the IDs in a pool, click any cell in the row, except the underlined name of the pool. (Clicking the Name opens the details page for that pool.)

    Then click Hold, OK, and Close.

    Result: Any available IDs put on hold will not be considered for allocation. If an ID is currently allocated, the client will be notified that the ID should be returned.

  • Release any IDs that are being Held in a particular pool.

    To Release IDs, click the Selection Criteria entry next to the Name of the pool. Then click Release, OK, and Close.

    Result: All of the IDs that were put on Hold are released and available for allocation, unless previously allocated.

To manage the individual IDs, click the Name of the Pool or Association Set, which open a separate panel.

When you select items to Hold or Release, you will see a message to confirm the action.