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Change the administrator password

Each time you log on to Management and Security Server as an administrator, you enter a password, which opens the Administrative Console:


To change the administrative password, you can either

  • use the Administrative Console (Configure Settings - General Security).
  • run the Password Change Utility.

Change administrator password

To set the MSS Administrative Console password, enter the current password. Enter and confirm the new password.


This action changes only the password for the MSS Administrative Console. To change the Metering administrator password, open the Metering Console to Configure Metering - Server Settings.

To restrict access to the MSS Administrative Console, you can setting a range of acceptable IP addresses. See Restrict administrator account.

Running the Password Change Utility

The password change utility allows you to re-set the administrative password without needing to log in to the Administrative Server.

To change the password to the Administrative Console:

  1. Choose an option to run the installed PasswordChangeUtility.

    • On Windows: Run the utility from the install location:

      [MssServerInstall] ...\MSS\utilities\bin\PasswordChangeUtility.exe

    • On UNIX or Linux: Run the utility from

      … /mss/utilities/bin/PasswordChangeUtility

    • On a command line: run the utility in command line mode (-c)

  2. Follow the prompts to change and save the password.

  3. Restart the MSS Server.