Configure License Pool
After you click a product in the list of License Pool Setting, you’ll see the Configure License Pool page for that product, which you can edit. Save the settings to meter this license pool.
Metered product
When editing a license pool, the Product, Product type, and VPA number are pre-populated as static entries. To modify those entries, click Cancel, and then click + Add to create a new license pool.
Product. Select the name of the product to be metered, such as Host Access for the Cloud.
To meter a product (either Reflection or InfoConnect) for NonStop Add-On, version 16.2 or higher of the NonStop Add-On product is required. From the Product list, select
<your product>
(with NonStop Add-On). -
Product type. Select the product type: Production, Evaluation, or Pre-release.
Volume Purchase Agreement (VPA) Number. Your Volume Purchase Agreement (VPA) documents the number of purchased licenses for a specific product. Enter the VPA number.
All zeros (or 0000001) in this field indicate that a VPA number has not been entered.
Number of licenses. Enter the number of licenses purchased for this product.
This number is used for License enforcement. If left blank, the field in the License Pool Settings table will also be blank.
Major version. The version displays as 1 by default. Click to enter the major version in the VPA for this metered product. This number displays in Reports.
For example, enter 16 for Reflection Desktop or 2 for Host Access for the Cloud.
License enforcement
Select Non-concurrent usage or Concurrent usage, depending on whether you want to enforce license restrictions.
Non-concurrent usage — does not enforce the license limit
The Metering Server still records the number of users and devices that use this license pool at the same time, but no limits are applied. The numbers are tallied in the Concurrent Usage report.
However, a license must be purchased for each user or device that ever runs the product in this license pool. The administrator is responsible for monitoring the usage to prevent violations.
See Run Reports for monitoring options.
Concurrent usage — enables license enforcement
This setting relates the number of simultaneous users or devices using this license pool to the Number of licenses entered earlier.
To enforce the license limit:
Check Limit the number of concurrent users to number of licenses for this product. When the maximum number of licenses are in use, the next user who tries to use this product is denied access until a license becomes available.
Send violation notices to administrators when the number of concurrent users exceeds the number of licenses. Enter the appropriate email addresses, separated by commas.
Details for your email server are entered in Configure Metering - Server Settings > Email notification options
Connection limit
When metering Host Access for the Cloud or Reflection for the Web, you can limit the number of simultaneous connections that each user has to the product.
Limit number of connections that one user can make. When checked, each user can use only the set number of licenses at one time.
Enter a positive integer for the number of connections allowed. The default is 1.
To limit connections, you must also check Record client host connections in Server Settings > Metered client.