5.9.1 Install an additional product

  1. After purchasing an add-on product or another emulator, you will receive information about downloading the product as an activation file, which has this format:


  2. Download the activation file and note the download destination.

  3. In the Administrative Console, click Configure Settings - Product Activation.

  4. Click ACTIVATE NEW and browse to the activation file for the product you want to install: activation.<product_name-version>.jaw

  5. Click the file. The new product is added to the Product list.

    If you uploaded a product evaluation file, open the column chooser to view the Expiration date.

  6. Restart your browser to ensure that the Administrative Console is fully updated with the new set of activation files. You do not need to restart the MSS server.

    Management and Security Server displays the required configuration settings.

  7. Be sure to Complete the activation.

CAUTION:Check this list to avoid issues when upgrading or using Clustering.

  • When upgrading an add-on product or emulator, add the new activation file(s) and be sure to remove the older ones.

  • If you cluster servers for high availability, you must install or update the activation files on each clustered node. Activation files are not replicated.