7.3.4 Stores used by Security Proxy in proxyserver/keystores

The keystores in proxyserver/keystores are described in the table below.

  • Keystore location: %ProgramFiles%/Micro Focus/MSS/securityproxy/keystores/

  • Password location: hard-coded

  • To change this password: This password cannot be changed.

Stores used by Security Proxy




  • Credential store for proxy, inbound TLS

  • The public key and certificate from this store are exported to the Administrative Server and stored in its trustedps.bcfks store.


  • Stores the public key and certificate from rwebps.bcfks, noted above.


  • Trust store for proxy, both for TLS client authentication and proxy token signature verification

  • Contains public keys and certificates imported into the proxy from trusted MSS Administrative Servers


  • Stores the public key and certificate for MSS servers that the user has chosen to trust when exporting settings or importing servers in the Security Proxy Wizard