The Pool IDs panel opens when you click the Name of a pool on the Terminal ID Manager - Monitor IDs panel. This panel shows the current Pool Settings, the ID Summary, and the specific IDs in that pool.
Each ID in this pool satisfies the Selection Criteria, which was set in the database, and summarized here. The Communication timeout and Heartbeat intervals are shown here for easy reference.
You can easily see how many licenses in this pool are Allocated, Free, Held, or Timed Out. Look in the table to identify which IDs have those attributes.
By default, All IDs are shown in the table. Use the Show menu and the Column Chooser to customize the display. Note: an attribute without a value is either currently not defined or not required for the IDs in that pool.
Name: the name for this pool, set in the database
Session Type: the type of session, such as 3270, UTS
Emulator Type: Terminal or Printer
Status: the status of the ID: Allocated, Free, Free but currently Held, Allocated but currently Held, Allocated and Timed Out, or Allocated and Timed Out and Held
Host: Port: the target host and port
Session Name: the name of the client session that allocated the ID
User Name: the user that is associated with the allocated session. The value for the user name is based on the user that is logged on to the operating system.
Client DN: the Domain Name of the client using the ID
Client IP: the IP address of the client using the ID
Association Set: If specified, this ID is a member of the Association Sets having this name
Allocated: a timestamp indicating when the ID was allocated
Heartbeat: a timestamp indicating the last communication from the client session
Timed Out: a timestamp indicating when the ID went to a Timed Out status
Application: For UTS sessions, the application that the session will start after connecting.
Use the control buttons to Hold, Release, or Reclaim one or more specific IDs.
Hold: Set an administrative Hold on the selected IDs. The ID Status changes to Free/Hold or Allocated/Hold.
Any available (Free) IDs that are put on Hold will not be considered for allocation. If an ID is currently allocated, the client will be notified (during the next client heartbeat) that the ID should be returned.
Release: Release any of the selected IDs that are in Hold status. The ID Status changes to Free.
Reclaim: This button displays if a pool is expanded to show IDs. When reclaimed, any selected ID that is allocated is changed to unallocated status.
CAUTION:Use the Reclaim option with caution. Reclaiming an ID that is still in use can lead to synchronization problems.
When you select items to Hold, Release, or Reclaim, you will see a message to confirm the action.
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