Host Access Management and Security Server - Release Notes

October 2020

Management and Security Server (MSS) version 12.6 SP1 Update 2 (12.6.12) released October 2020.

1.0 What’s New

Management and Security Server 12.6 SP1 Update 2 released with Host Access for the Cloud version 2.5.2.

All MSS releases are cumulative, and contain the features introduced in earlier releases. See MSS Documentation for previous versions.

1.1 Features and Fixes

  • Added support for additional authentication methods when accessing the Administrative Console:

    • Single sign-on through IIS

    • Single sign-on through Windows

  • Made enhancements to the Assigned Sessions list:

    • Support for new authentication methods when accessing the session list: Anonymous, Single sign-on through IIS, Single sign-on through Windows.

    • A message displays when a user has no sessions assigned to them.

    • Support for direct session links. When a user is authenticated, the direct link launches the session.

    • Added Help on the Assigned Sessions page.

    • Note: Support for launching Reflection for the Web sessions is planned for the Reflection for the Web 13.2 release.

1.2 Changes in Behavior and Usage

  • SAML. Beginning in MSS 12.6 SP1 Update 2 (12.6.12), the SAML callback address URL has been simplified to use only path parameters rather than query string parameters. This change provides greater compatibility with SAML providers going forward.

    When upgrading to MSS 12.6 SP1 Update 2:

    • Existing deployments using SAML must re-import the service provider metadata file to update the callback address; otherwise SAML authentication will stop working.

    • Alternatively, the following property can be set in the MSS file to maintain the current URL syntax: saml.path.parameter.callback.url.enabled=false

      Be sure to restart the server.

  • Java-based Links List

    • Direct session links displayed in the Administrative Console now point to the new Assigned Sessions list.

    • The Java-based links list applet is disabled. Direct session links copied from the Java applet links list are re-directed to the Assigned Sessions list.

    • Settings in the Administrative Console that uniquely pertained to the Java applet links list and Reflection for the Web have been removed.

  • Legacy emulators. Support for managing Extra!, InfoConnect, Reflection 14, and Verastream sessions has been removed. If you need assistance, please contact Customer Support.

2.0 Known Issues

  • Logging out from a Host Access for the Cloud (HACloud) session that was launched from the Assigned Sessions list. To completely log out of the system, the user must log out of both the HACloud web client and the Assigned Sessions list. Logging out from only one or the other leaves the user’s session partially logged out until inactivity timeouts are triggered and the user is completely logged out by the system.

If you encounter issues with Management and Security Server 12.6 SP1 Update 2, contact Micro Focus Support.

3.0 Contacting Micro Focus

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For specific product issues, contact Micro Focus Support.