3.1 Server Requirements

iPrint Appliance works with any virtualization software that can run the .ova, .vhdx , .qcow2,or .xva file formats.

  • Virtualization software. For support matrix, see Section C.9, iPrint Appliance Server and Client Support.

  • Directory service:

    • NetIQ eDirectory 9.x

    • NetIQ eDirectory 8.7.x and 8.8.x

    • Active Directory configured on Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition

    • Active Directory configured on Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition

  • NTP server details:

    • IP address or hostname

  • IP address details for iPrint Appliance, including:

    • Static IP address

    • Network mask

    • Gateway IP address

    • Host name associated with the IP address

    • IP address of a DNS server

  • The IP address assigned to the iPrint Appliance and remote renderer must have DNS host entry in the DNS server. Ensure that the DNS entries are in the same domain.

    If you do not have a DNS server to resolve the hostnames, you can use the hosts file to resolve the same as follows:

    • Ensure that the hosts file is updated with the iPrint Appliance and remote renderer details (IP and hostname) in both the iPrint Appliance and the remote renderer machine. The hosts file is located at:

      iPrint Appliance: /etc/hosts

      Remote renderer in the Windows machine: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc

  • If you are using a third party certificate, ensure that the hostname of the iPrint Appliance and remote renderer are configured with the domain name against which the certificate is issued. For example, appliance.xyz.com and remoterenderer.xyz.com.

  • If the iPrint Appliance and remote renderer, requires same IP address to resolve two different host names, then during the appliance configuration, do one of the following:

    • Ensure that the /etc/hosts file of iPrint Appliance is updated with the IP address and hostname (domain name against which the certificate is issued) of the iPrint Appliance and remote renderer.

    • If you have a DNS server, then ensure that the PTR record entry for hostname matches the domain name of the used certificate. Ensure to remove all the other hostnames from the hosts file.

  • Memory: 8 GB RAM or higher is recommended.

  • Primary Hard Disk: 50 GB or higher. This disk stores the Operating System and all the binaries.

  • Secondary Hard Disk: 50 GB or higher. This disk stores the configuration details of the appliance. All the WalkUp jobs are also stored on the secondary disk. Depending on the usage of the print service, decide the space required on the secondary disk.