4.2 Initial Appliance Configuration

  1. After you have downloaded the iPrint appliance, configured the virtual environment, and powered on the appliance, click the Console tab.

  2. After the appliance starts, select your preferred keyboard layout in the Keyboard Language drop-down, then accept the license agreement by clicking Accept.

    You can change the language in the agreement from the License Language drop-down.

    The iPrint Appliance Passwords and Time Zone page is displayed.

  3. On the iPrint Appliance Passwords and Time Zone page, specify the following network information:

    Root password and confirmation: The root password for your iPrint appliance.

    Vaadmin password and confirmation: The preferred user to use when logging in to the appliance.

    NTP Server: The IP address or host name of the reliable external Network Time Protocol (NTP) server your OES server uses. For example, time.example.com.

    For the best results, set up NTP in accordance with the VMware best practices guidelines.

    Region: Your local region.

    Time Zone: Your local time zone.

  4. Click Next.

  5. On the iPrint Appliance Network Settings page, specify the following information:

    Hostname: The fully qualified DNS host name associated with the appliance’s IP address. For example, myiPrint.mynetwork.example.com.


    • When using third-party certificate, ensure that the appliance hostname matches the CN name of the third party certificate. The certificate can be a wildcard certificate (cn=*.digitalairlines.xx) or a directly issued server-certificate (servername.digitalairlines.xx).

      For example, if the certificate cn=*.digitalairlines.xx then the Appliance hostname should be appliance.digitalairlines.xx. If you give it as appliance-digitalairlines.xx it will not work.

    • Ensure that the host name is in a valid format as no validation is done in this step. Appliance configuration fails if the host name is invalid.

    To get the hostname, go to the command prompt and type nslookup <ipaddress>. For example, nslookup

    IP Address: The static IP address for the appliance. For example,

    Network Mask: The network mask associated with the appliance’s IP address. For example,

    Gateway: The IP address of the gateway on the subnet where your iPrint virtual appliance is located. For example,

    DNS Servers: The IP address of a primary DNS server for your network. For example,

    Domain Search: The domain where the iPrint Appliance is located. For example, mynetwork.example.com.

  6. Click Next.

  7. Select the Hard Drive.

    If you created a secondary VMware hard drive for this appliance, it is automatically detected and sdb is displayed as the hard drive. If you have not created a secondary VMware hard drive, sda is chosen as the default partition.

    If you have added a secondary hard drive, specify the following options:

    Hard Drive: Select the hard drive you are using.

    Create a new partition: Select this option to create a new partition.

    Filesystem type: Specify the type of file system.

  8. Click Configure.

    If you have not created a secondary hard disk, a warning message is displayed to power off the VM.

    1. Click Power Off Virtual Machine, then add the secondary hard disk.

    2. Power on the VM and continue with the installation.

    The iPrint Appliance installation process begins. A message stating, “The system is ready for appliance configuration” is displayed. After the installation is complete, a URL and an IP address to access the iPrint Appliance Management Console is displayed. Using a Web browser, navigate to the Management Console URL.

The iPrint Appliance installation is now complete. You must configure iPrint Appliance before you can start printing. Continue with Section 5.0, Configuring New Appliance.

To migrate from an earlier version or recover the appliance in an event of crash, see Section 6.0, Migrating or Recovering an iPrint Appliance.