This section provides the frequently asked questions about Micro Focus iPrint App:
Micro Focus iPrint app provides secure enterprise print services for your devices. You can seamlessly print Office documents, PDFs, and images directly from their device, anywhere and anytime.
Add Server adds an iPrint server and the printers configured on that server to your device.
Tap Add Server to add an iPrint server. All the printers configured on the iPrint server are listed under Printers.
This error is displayed when your administrator has not added a valid trusted certificate to the iPrint server and the server is presenting a self-signed certificate. You must trust the certificate to continue with the process.
To trust the certificate, click Continue.
Launch the iPrint app.
Open the side-menu and tap Printers.
Tap printer name.
Under Display Name, provide the new name.
WalkUp Jobs displays the jobs submitted to the WalkUp printer. Adjacent to each job the time of expiry is displayed. When the job is deleted, expired, or printed it is no longer listed.
Job History displays the list of jobs submitted for printing from this device. The status are as follows:
Pending: The job is queued for printing.
Processing: The job is submitted for printing.
Completed: The job is printed.
Cancelled: The job is cancelled either by you or the administrator.
Aborted: The iPrint server has cancelled the job. Contact your administrator to resolve the issue.
Unknown: The job status is not available with the app.
The Job History displays only the last 15 jobs.
Using this option, you can add a server or select a printer. Your administrator should provide you the QR code.
To print natively, you must enable the Micro Focus iPrint service. Before enabling the iPrint service, ensure to add a iPrint server by using the iPrint app.
Tap Settings > Printing and enable the Micro Focus iPrint service.
Select a file and print by using Android’s native printing.
To print from a mobile device, the printer needs to be mobile-enabled by your administrator.
Visit the Idea Portal to suggest new enhancements or vote the existing ideas listed in the portal.