InfoConnect VBA Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Productivity Library / AutoExpand Object / ContainsEntry Method
An auto expand dictionary entry to search for, which is an abbreviation that gets expanded.
In This Topic
    ContainsEntry Method
    In This Topic
    Determines whether a given entry exists in the Auto Expand dictionary.
    expression.ContainsEntry( _
       ByVal abbreviation As String _
    ) As Boolean
    where expression is a variable that represents a AutoExpand Object


    An auto expand dictionary entry to search for, which is an abbreviation that gets expanded.

    Return Value

    True if the abbreviation has an expansion definition, false if it does not.
    This example adds a definition to the Auto Expand tool.
    Sub AddEntryToAutoExpand()
        Dim auto As AutoExpand
        'Get the autoExpand object
        Set auto = ThisIbmTerminal.Productivity.AutoExpand
        If auto.ContainsEntry("hcdt") = False Then
            'Add an Auto Expand definition entry
            auto.AddEntry "hcdt", "Hydrochlorothiazide"
        End If
    End Sub
    See Also