InfoConnect VBA Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.OpenSystems Library / Screen Object / GetText3 Method
The starting row position.
The starting column position.
The ending row position.
The ending column position.
A RegionOption enumeration value that specifies how the region is interpreted.
A TextTranslationOption enumeration value that specifies how or whether screen data is translated.
In This Topic
    GetText3 Method
    In This Topic
    Retrieves text from the specified screen region.
    expression.GetText3( _
       ByVal startRow As Integer, _
       ByVal startColumn As Integer, _
       ByVal endRow As Integer, _
       ByVal endColumn As Integer, _
       ByVal regionOption As RegionOption, _
       ByVal translationOption As TextTranslationOption _
    ) As String
    where expression is a variable that represents a Screen Object


    The starting row position.
    The starting column position.
    The ending row position.
    The ending column position.
    A RegionOption enumeration value that specifies how the region is interpreted.
    A TextTranslationOption enumeration value that specifies how or whether screen data is translated.

    Return Value

    The screen text from the specified region.

    For more about using the GetText3 method, see:

    Save Screens as Text

    This sample gets data on the screen and prints it as XML. To run this sample, Create an open systems session and set the host name IP/Address to Demo:UNIX. Then enter any credentials to log in and at the "demo:" prompt, enter "demodata". Run the macro on the screen that has the "Command" prompt.
    Sub getTextFromScreenAsXml()
        Dim maxRow As Integer
        Dim maxCol As Integer
        Dim startPoint As ScreenPoint
        Dim startRow As Integer
        Dim text As String
        maxRow = ThisScreen.DisplayRows
        maxCol = ThisScreen.DisplayColumns
        Set startPoint = ThisScreen.SearchText("Month ", 1, 1, FindOptions_Forward)
        startRow = startPoint.Row
        'Get all the text on the screen from the top row to the last row and column
        text = ThisScreen.GetText3(startPoint.Row, 1, maxRow, maxCol, RegionOption_Rectangular, TextTranslationOption_AsXML)
        'print xml to Intermediate window
        Debug.Print text
    End Sub
    See Also