InfoConnect VBA Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.OpenSystems Library / FileTransfer Object / ReadCtrlZAsEOF Property
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    ReadCtrlZAsEOF Property
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    Returns or specifies whether InfoConnect interprets Ctrl-Z as the end-of-file marker in ASCII files sent to the host.
    expression.ReadCtrlZAsEOF As Boolean
    where expression is a variable that represents a FileTransfer Object
    When this property is set to true, InfoConnect interprets a Ctrl-Z, represented as Chr$(SUB), as the end-of-file marker and removes it from the file. When this property is set to false, file length is determined by the character count in the file folder.

    The equivalent property for ASCII transfers from the host is WriteCtrlZAsEOF, which determines whether a Ctrl-Z character should be appended to ASCII files being transferred from the host.

    The default value is true.
    See Also