InfoConnect VBA Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.IbmHosts Library / ThemeFont Object / FontName Property
In This Topic
    FontName Property (ThemeFont)
    In This Topic
    Gets or sets the face name of the terminal font to use.
    expression.FontName As String
    where expression is a variable that represents a ThemeFont Object

    Property Value

    The default value is "Segoe UI Mono".
    This string can be up to 260 characters long.
    Available fonts are listed in the Fonts list on the Appearance tab. Font names are case-sensitive.

    The "Segoe UI Mono" default value provides a 24 × 80 display that accurately emulates the terminal. When you resize the terminal window, by default (for any font) InfoConnect chooses a new font size so the correct number of rows is displayed on the screen.
    The following statement changes the font to "Courier New."
    Sub SetFonts()
        ThisIbmTerminal.Theme.Font.FontName = "Courier New"
    End Sub
    See Also