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Hotspot Options Dialog Box

How do I get to this dialog box?
  1. Open a terminal session.

    The steps depend on your user interface mode.

    User interface mode Steps
    Ribbon or InfoConnect Browser With a session open in InfoConnect, from the Quick Access Toolbar, click .
    TouchUx Tap the Gear icon and then select Document Settings.
  2. Under Terminal Appearance, select Manage Hotspots.

  3. Click Modify the currently selected hotspots file.

  4. Under Hotspot Mapper, click Modify.

From this dialog box, you can change the action or other characteristics associated with a hotspot.

Hotspot Options

Modify the selected hotspot using the following options:

Option Description
Hotspot text Type a text string, up to 80 characters, to identify the hotspot. InfoConnect creates a hotspot wherever this text string is encountered in your host application.
Select Action Select an action to associate with the specified hotspot text.
Tooltip Type the text to display when the mouse cursor is over the hotspot.
Match case Select to make the hotspot you are modifying case sensitive.
Only valid at row If selected, the hotspot will appear only if the text is in the specified row.
Only valid at column If selected, the hotspot will appear only if the text is in the specified column.
Auto invoke when text appears on display Select to cause the hotspot to be invoked as soon as it appears on the screen.
Text is preceded by a delimiter Select to match the text only if the text is preceded by a delimiter specified under Hotspot Delimiter. For example, if you define the hotspot "host" and select this option, the word "unixhost" wouldn't be a hotspot.
Text is followed by a delimiter Select to match the text only if the text is followed by a delimiter specified under Hotspot Delimiter. For example, if you define the hotspot "host" and select this option, the word "hostfile" wouldn't be a hotspot.
Match until a delimiter Select to define the end of the hotspot as the delimiter(s) specified under Hotspot Delimiter.

Hotspot Delimiter

Option Description
Space Select to use the white space created by pressing the SPACEBAR as a hotspot delimiter.
Any of these characters Select to use any of the listed characters as hotspot delimiters. When this option is selected, you can edit the list of delimiters.

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