InfoConnect VBA Guide
Inheritance Hierarchy
In This Topic
    Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Productivity Library
    In This Topic
    ObjectImplementation for the Auto Complete Productivity feature.
    ObjectImplementation for the Auto Expand feature, a Productivity feature that learns acronyms or shortcuts that, when typed, expand to the associated complex word or phrase.
    ObjectContains an Auto Expand key-value pair that maps an abbreviation string to an expansion string.
    ObjectContains the attributes of a misspelled word on a host screen.
    ObjectImplementation of the Office Tools Productivity feature.
    ObjectImplementation of the base Productivity feature.
    ObjectImplementation for Recent Typing, a Productivity feature.
    ObjectImplementation of the Screen History, a Productivity feature.
    ObjectImplementation of the Spell Check Productivity feature.
    EventDictionary Changed event handler delegate.
    EventDictionary Changed event handler delegate.
    EventAuto Expand event handler delegate.
    EventMisspelled word event handler delegate.
    EventRecent Typing event handler delegate.
    EventScreen History event handler delegate.
    EventAuto Complete suggestion accepted event handler delegate.
    EnumerationEnumeration of replace word overwrite values.
    EnumerationSpecifies the language dictionary to use with Spell Check if the Spell Check engine supports multiple languages.
    See Also