InfoConnect API Guide
Inheritance Hierarchy
In This Topic
    Attachmate.Reflection.WorkspaceSettings Namespace
    In This Topic
    ClassCentralized Management settings object
    ClassAn action that can be mapped to something in an input map.
    ClassContains a set of actions that are mapped to an input mapping.
    ClassStores list of 2-Letter ISO language codes for supported languages
    ClassUser Interface settings client-side object.
    ClassWorkspace attribute-specific workspace settings object
    ClassWorkspace defaults-specific settings object
    ClassEvent arguments for workspace settings changed event
    ClassParent workspace settings api object
    InterfaceCentralized Management settings interface
    InterfaceUser Interface settings interface.
    InterfaceWorkspace attributes-specific settings
    InterfaceWorkspace defaults-specific settings
    InterfaceTop-level workspace settings object for api
    DelegateEvent handler for WorkspaceSettingChangedEvent event
    EnumerationOptions for what to show the user when the Workspace application starts up
    EnumerationEnumerator for DocumentViewLayout, which indicates how documents will be arranged in the Workspace.
    EnumerationOptions for logging level
    EnumerationOptions for locating online help
    EnumerationActions that can be mapped to the workspace settings WorkspaceDefaults.StartupAction property in an InputMapSequenceAction, when WorkspaceDefaults.WorkspaceStartupOption property is mapped to ApplicationStartupEnum.RunStartupAction.
    EnumerationEnumerator for LookAndFeel, which indicates the look and feel / color scheme of the Workspace.
    EnumerationIndicates the source location of a macro.
    EnumerationValid values for the second parameter to the openDocumentAction action. This determines where to open the document specified in the first parameter.
    EnumerationValid values for the second parameter to the openURLAction action. This determines where to open the URL specified in the first parameter.
    EnumerationOptions for how to treat unsaved workspace documents when the app shuts down
    EnumerationEnumerator for TabStripLocation, which indicates the location of the tab strip in the Workspace.
    EnumerationEnumerator for UserInterfaceLanguage, which indicates the language for the user interface.
    EnumerationThe enumerator for UserInterfaceMode, which indicates the user interface mode the application is using.
    See Also