IConnectingSettingsBestNetwork Interface Members
In This Topic
The following tables list the members exposed by IConnectingSettingsBestNetwork.
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
 | ConnectMacro | Gets or specifies the name of a macro that runs automatically after a connection is established. (Inherited from Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.OpenSystems.IConnectionSettingsCommon) |
 | ConnectMacroData | Gets or specifies a string that passes information to a connect macro. When the connect macro runs, the value of MacroData is set equal to the value of ConnectMacroData. (Inherited from Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.OpenSystems.IConnectionSettingsCommon) |
 | DisconnectScriptArgs | Gets or sets the text string that contains the arguments to pass to a disconnect script. (Inherited from Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.OpenSystems.IConnectionSettingsCommon) |
 | DisconnectScriptFile | Gets or sets the text string that contains the name of a Reflection Basic script to run when the connection is closed. (Inherited from Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.OpenSystems.IConnectionSettingsCommon) |
 | ExitAllowed | When set to true , users can quit Reflection and use the Disconnect command while connected to a host. (Inherited from Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.OpenSystems.IConnectionSettingsCommon) |
 | ExitOnDisconnect | When set to true , Reflection quits automatically when you disconnect from the host. (Inherited from Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.OpenSystems.IConnectionSettingsCommon) |
 | HostAddress | Gets or sets the name of the host to which to connect. |
 | NSVTPort | The port number to use when establishing the VT-MGR connection. |
 | Parity | Gets or sets the type of parity on the connection. (Inherited from Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.OpenSystems.IConnectionSettingsCommon) |
 | ScriptArgs | Gets or sets the text string that contains arguments to pass to a connect script. (Inherited from Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.OpenSystems.IConnectionSettingsCommon) |
 | ScriptFile | Get or set the text string that contains the name of a Reflection Basic script to run when the connection is established (for example, a logon script). (Inherited from Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.OpenSystems.IConnectionSettingsCommon) |
 | ScriptType | Gets or sets the type of script file, either Reflection Basic (RBS) or Reflection Command Language (RCL). (Inherited from Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.OpenSystems.IConnectionSettingsCommon) |
 | TelnetBinary | Gets or sets whether InfoConnect always requests a binary mode connection (an 8-bit data path). |
 | TelnetBreak | Gets or sets whether CTRL+BREAK sends the Telnet Break command or the Telnet Interrupt Process command. |
 | TelnetEcho | Controls how InfoConnect responds to a remote echo from a Telnet host. |
 | TelnetLFAfterCR | Specifies whether InfoConnect sends a linefeed character whenever a carriage return is sent. |
 | TelnetLineMode | Line mode and faux line mode for Telnet connections are supported. |
 | TelnetLocation | The TELNET SEND-LOCATION option (specified in RFC 779) is supported. |
 | TelnetNegotateInitOptions | Specifies whether certain connection options, including whether to always request a binary mode connection, are negotiated when the Telnet connection is established. |
 | TelnetPort | Gets or sets the port to use to establish the Telnet connection. |
 | TelnetSetWindowSize | When this value is true, InfoConnect sends the number of rows and columns to the Telnet host whenever they change, enabling the Telnet host to control the cursor if the window size changes. |
 | TelnetTermDefault | The terminal type string that is sent as a backup to the Telnet server if the server requests this information and doesn't recognize the current value set for TelnetTermType. |
 | TelnetTermType | The terminal type string that is sent to the Telnet server if the server requests this information during the suboption TERM negotiation stage of the connection. |
 | TelnetTrace | When set to true, InfoConnect writes the negotiation process for the various Telnet options to the screen. |
 | TelnetUseEmulatorTermType | When this value is false, InfoConnect uses the current terminal setting as determined by the value of TelnetTermType when the server requests the terminal type. |
 | Timeout | Specifies the time (in milliseconds) during which InfoConnect attempts to make a connection before timing out. |
See Also