
Manage Ribbon Dialog Box

How do I get to this dialog box?
  1. With a session open in InfoConnect, from the Quick Access Toolbar, click .

  2. Under User Interface, select Manage Ribbon.

The Ribbon contains tools that you use to complete tasks in the selected document. When you create a terminal session document, it includes a pointer to a default, built-in Ribbon file. You can choose a different Ribbon file for each session, and you can create custom Ribbon files using the UI Designer.

Option Description
Select another Ribbon file Click to choose a different Ribbon file from a list of existing Ribbon files. The file must be in a trusted location.
Modify the currently selected Ribbon file Select to open the UI Designer and modify the Ribbon file used by this session. Because built-in files are read-only, if the currently selected file is a built-in file, it will be saved as a custom file when you change it.
Note: If you select a Ribbon that doesn't match the current document type or user interface, the default Ribbon is used instead to ensure access to all features.
Create a new Ribbon from an existing Ribbon file Click to create a custom Ribbon file based on an existing Ribbon file. To reopen the file later, it must be saved in a trusted location.

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