
Permission Manager Items for Actions

In many cases, an action can be accessed multiple ways. For example, you can restrict access to the Clipboard Settings action (clipboardSettingsAction). However, if the user has access to the Document Settings action (settingsAction), Clipboard settings will still be accessible.

Item Name UI Description
abortFileTransferAction Applies only to Unisys sessions. Abort a file transfer in progress for any of the supported transfer protocols (Kermit, WRQ/Reflection, Xmodem, or Zmodem, CANDE, )S2200, and UTS) without communicating with the host program.
appointmentAction Create an Outlook appointment that includes the selected host data in the message field.
backHistoryAction View the previous host screen in ready-only mode.
captureIncomingDataAction Capture data received from the host and save it to a file.
checkForUpdateAction Open the InfoConnect solution library on the Rocket Software support Web site and access the latest product downloads.
clearAllAction Remove all text from the display memory, including what's on the screen.
clearDisplayAction Remove all text from the screen. By default, InfoConnect saves this text to the display memory.
clearScreenAction Remove all text from the screen. By default, this text is saved to the display memory.
clearSelectionAction Clear the selection by clicking somewhere.
clipboardSettingsAction Open the Clipboard Settings dialog box to configure settings that control how the Cut, Copy, and Paste functions work.
closeAction Close the current document.
codePageSettingsAction Open the Select Host Code Page dialog box to specify the host code page for your display session.
connectAction Connect to the host for the current session document.
connectDisconnectAction Connect to the host for the current session document, and then invoke again to disconnect.
contactAction Create a new contact in Outlook that includes the selected host data in the Notes field.
contextMenuEditorAction Open the Context Menu Editor.
copyAction Copy the selected text to the Clipboard.
copyAppendAction Add the selected text to the Clipboard.
copyTableAction Copy data in a tabular format.
copyToBuffer1Action Copy the selected text to Buffer 1.
copyToBuffer2Action Copy the selected text to Buffer 2.
copyToBuffer3Action Copy the selected text to Buffer 3.
copyToBuffer4Action Copy the selected text to Buffer 4.
createPlusFromHistory Export screens to be used in the Screen Designer.
createSplitScreenAction Open multiple terminal emulation sessions using the same path by specifying a path within a path. Applies to ALC and UTS sessions.
cutAction Delete the selected text and copy it to the Clipboard.
cutAppendAction Delete the selected text and add it to the Clipboard.
cycleDocumentsAction Makes a session document or a Web page active on an MDI workspace whether you are viewing your documents as tabs or windows or make a workspace active if SDI mode is used.
disconnectAction Disconnect from the host for the current session document.
displayAttributesAction This action is for internal use only. Do not modify this setting.
documentPropertiesAction Shows the properties associated with the current tab. Tab properties are associated with layout files, not with the session document.
editCaslMacroAction Edit CASL macros.
emailMessageAction Create an Outlook e-mail message that includes the selected host data.
eventUIMapperAction Map predefined event to one or more actions.
exportRPlusHistoryAction Export the current screens to be used in the Plus Designer.
exitAction Quit the application.
fileTransferAction Open the Transferdialog box.
forwardHistoryAction View the next screen in your screen history sequence.
ftpFileTransferAction Open InfoConnect FTP Client.
fullScreenViewAction Hide the Ribbon, and expand the workspace to fill your computer screen.
globalSettingsAction Open the InfoConnect workspace configuration settings. Workspace configuration settings affect all terminal session and Web page documents opened in InfoConnect. Workspace configuration settings include security, file locations, and other settings related to InfoConnect.
helpAction Open Help from the main workspace Helpbutton.
hostConnectionSettingsAction Configure the host connection for the current session document.
hotspotsSettingsAction Open the Set Up Hotspot Display Settings dialog box.
keyboardExtendSelection Extend the screen selection using the keyboard.
keyboardMapperAction Display the keyboard map.
launchApplicationAction Launch an external application from the InfoConnect workspace using a customized UI element.
launchRPlusDesignerAction Launch Screen Designer to customize the appearance of Host Screens.
launchSupportWebsiteAction Open the Support site from the Helpmenu.
launchVbaAction Open the Visual Basic editor to create a VBA macro based on objects defined by the active session.
layoutCascadeAction Arrange all open document windows in a cascade. The title bar of each window remains visible.
layoutHorizontalAction Arrange all open document windows horizontally.
layoutSettingsAction Open the Layout Settings dialog box.
layoutVerticalAction Arrange all open document windows vertically.
lightPenAction Simulate a light pen selection with your mouse or keyboard.
macroSecurityAction Set macro security options to protect a macro from accidental changes.
mainframeTransferChunkAction Open the Transfer Settings dialog box in 3270, 5250 and VT sessions..
manageRibbonSettings Configure the selected ribbon or classic MDI mode file. You can select another ribbon file, modify the current file, or create a new file.
manualCaptureAction Manually capture the current screen.
mapKeystrokeAction Open the Keyboard Mapper to associate a keystroke with a host terminal key or to create a keyboard shortcut.
modelSettingsAction Open the basic host connection settings page to specify the terminal model you want to emulate.
modifyThemeAction Open the Modify Theme dialog box to change settings such as font, text color, or background color.
moveCursorAction Move the cursor with a mouse click.
moveHostCursorAction Move the cursor by sending the correct arrow keys to the host so that it moves the cursor relative to its current position.
newDocumentAction Create a new document of any kind from the ??? or the Quick Access toolbar.
nextDocumentAction Make the next document active on an MDI workspace or make the next workspace active if SDI mode is used.
nextWindowAction Make the next document or task pane active.
noteAction Create an Outlook "sticky" note that includes the selected host data.
officeToolsPaneAction Open the Office Tools task pane.
openAction Open any kind of document from the ??? or the Quick Access toolbar.
openDocumentAction Open existing session documents, layout files, or Web pages.
openEmlEditorAction Open the Express Macro Language (EML) editor.
openURLAction Open a Web page from within InfoConnect.
pageSetupAction Open the Page Setup dialog box.
pasteAction Paste data from the Clipboard to the current cursor location.
pasteFromBuffer1Action Paste data from Buffer 1 to the current cursor location.
pasteFromBuffer2Action Paste data from Buffer 2 to the current cursor location.
pasteFromBuffer3Action Paste data from Buffer 3 to the current cursor location.
pasteFromBuffer4Action Paste data from Buffer 4 to the current cursor location.
pasteNextAction Insert the remaining text in the paste next buffer within the host application.
pasteRangeAction Open the Paste Range dialog box to paste data into a screen region.
pathDBEditorAction Launch the Database editor from the Workspace. (This item does not affect the ability to launch it from the Windows Start menu.)
pathWizardAction Launch the Path Wizard from the Workspace. (This item does not affect the ability to launch the Wizard from the Database Editor.)
pauseCaptureAction Pause a capture. Applies to ALC, UTS, or T27 sessions.
pauseMacroAction Pause a recording macro.
playBackTraceAction Select a trace file to play back.
playNextTraceRecordAction Play the next record in the current trace file.
playPreviousTraceRecordAction Play the previous record in the current trace file.
previousDocumentAction Make the previous document active on an MDI workspace or make the previous workspace active if SDI mode is used.
printAction Print the current document from the ??? or the Quick Access toolbar.
printAllSplitScreens Print all screens in a split screen session.
printSetupAction Open the Print Setup dialog box.
processRUOTraceAction Process a trace file to generate a Reflection Basic script file, or to add system details to the text format report.
productivityFieldSecurityAction Switches Field security on or off. When Field Security is on for a field, Screen History, Office Tools, and all of the productivity features are disabled for that field.
ptrRouteWizardAction Launches the PTR Route Wizard.
ptrStatusPanelAction Displays a PTR Status panel as a dockable panel within the Workspace. (This item does not affect the ability to display the System Tray from the Windows Start menu.)
quickKeysAction Open a gallery of buttons that you can click to send PA keys, PF keys, or other commands to the host.
quickPadSettingsAction Open the Manage QuickPads dialog box from which you can create, modify, and select quickpads.
quickPrintAction Print the current document without opening the Print dialog box.
receiveFileTransferAction Applies only to Unisys sessions. Enables the workspace to receive file transfers.
recentTypingPaneAction Open the Recent Typing task pane.
recordExpressMacroAction Record an Express macro.
recordMacroAction Record an InfoConnect Workspace macro.
resetConnectionAction Applies to ALC, T27, and UTS sessions. Cancels any pending transmits and/or receives on the host connection, then reissues another receive to wait for host data
resetTerminalAction In UTS and T27 sessions, does a clear screen and home cursor. In ALC sessions, issues an ALC Reset which clears back to the prior SOM or home position and will add a SOM at home if one wasn't there.
runCaslMacoAction Run a CASL macro.
runEBEditAction Run E! Basic Editor.
runExpressMacroAction Run an Express macro.
runHostExplorerMacroAction Run a macro that contains Hummingbird Basic commands.
runExtraMacroAction Open an Extra! file that contains macros, and select one to run.
runLegacyMacroAction Run an embedded legacy Reflection macro.
runLegacyMacroWithDataAction Run an embedded legacy Reflection macro with data. (This allows the user to type parameters to execute with the macro.)
runLegacyRBEditAction Run Reflection Basic Editor.
runLegacyRBMacroAction Run a legacy Reflection Basic macro.
runLegacyReflectionMacroAction Run an external legacy Reflection macro.
runMacroAction Run a InfoConnect Workspace macro.
runPCommMacroAction Open an IBM Personal Communications file that contains a macro.
RunQWSMacroAction Open a QWS3270 file that contains a macro.
runRCLScriptAction Run an RCL script.
runRumbaMacroAction Open a Rumba file that contains macros, and select one to run.
runSupportToolAction Runs a utility to help Support collect InfoConnect application data
saveAction Save the current document from the ??? or the Quick Access toolbar.
saveAsAction Save the current document with a new name or location.
saveLayoutAction Save the current layout.
saveRSFTAction Save the current document configuration as a template.
scratchPadPaneAction Open the Scratch Pad task pane.
screenHistoryPaneAction Open the Screen History task pane.
selectAllAction Select all data on the screen.
selectNextSplitScreenAction Select next screen in a split screen session.
selectNextSplitSessionAction Select next split screen session.
selectPreviousSplitScreenAction Select previous screen in a split screen session.
selectPreviousSplitSessionAction Select previous split screen session.
selectRPlusProfileAction Select the Plus Customization File to be used with this session.
sendAPLKeyAction Send a preconfigured APL key to the host.
sendFileTransferAction Applies only to Unisys sessions. Enables the workspace to initiate file transfers.
sendHostKeyAction Send a preconfigured key to the host.
sendHostTextAction Send some preconfigured text to the host.
sendWordAction Send the word at the current cursor location to the host, followed by a Return (VT) or an Enter (3270/5250) key. This is typically mapped to a mouse button.
setHotspotFileAction Set the hotspots file for a session.
setKeyboardMapAction Set the keyboard map file for a session.
setRibbonFileAction Set the Ribbon file for a session.
setThemesFileAction Set the theme file for a session.
settingsAction Open the document settings from the ??? or the Quick Access toolbar.
setupLoggingAction Open the Logging Settings dialog box.
showAPIGuideAction Open the .NET API Guide.
showAPIHelpAction Open the .NET API Help.
showAutoCompleteSettingsAction Open the Configure Auto Complete dialog box.
showAutoExpandAction Open the Configure Auto Expand dialog box.
showContextMenuAction Open the context menu. This is the default action of the right mouse button.
showHelpAboutAction Show the Aboutdialog from the Helpmenu.
showICPathSettingsAction Show the Manage Path dialog box. Note: This setting affects buttons or other items mapped to the Manage Paths action. It does not affect the ability to display this dialog box for the Workspace Settings dialog box. To disable items in Manage Paths, use xxx
showLiveScreenAction Return to the current host screen for your session from anywhere in the screen history sequence.
showMouseMapperAction Open the Mouse Mapper.
showPrivacyFilterAction Open the Set Up Privacy Filters dialog box.
showProductivitySettingsAction Open the Configure Productivity Defaults dialog box.
showQuickPadAction Show QuickPads mapped to the action or select which QuickPads to display.
showRecentTypingSettingsAction Open the Configure Recent Typing dialog box.
showScreenHistorySettingAction Open the Configure Screen History dialog box.
showSpecificContextMenuAction Specifies the context menu to open when the action is performed.
showSpellCheckAction Open the Configure Spell Checking dialog box.
showTabbedViewLayoutAction Enables the "Arrange documents as tabs" setting.
showToolbarAction Show toolbars mapped to the action or select which toolbars to display.
showUIDesignerAction Open the UI Designer to customize your Ribbon or toolbar.
showVBAGuideAction Open the VBA Guide.
showVBAHelpAction Open the VBA Help.
spellCheckFieldAction Check spelling in the currently active host field.
spellCheckScreenAction Check spelling in the current host screen.
sshConnectionSettingsAction Open the Secure Shell Settings dialog box to configure Secure Shell connection.
startCaptureAction Start a capture. Applies to ALC, UTS, or T27 sessions.
startLoggingAction Turn logging on for a VT session.
startTraceAction Create a new trace and begin the trace process.
stopCaslMacro Stop a CASL macro.
stopLoggingAction Turn logging off for a VT session.
stopMacroAction Stop the currently running macro.
stopTraceAction Stop the currently active trace.
taskAction Create an unscheduled Outlook task that includes the selected host data in the task body field.
telnetAction Launch Windows Telnet client.
terminalAppearanceSettingsAction Open the Configure Terminal Settings dialog box.
themeSettingsAction Open the Manage Themes dialog box.
toggleAPLModeAction Turn APL mode on or off.
toggleAutoCompleteSettingsAction Toggle Auto Complete settings including presentation of suggestions and handling of field data.
toggleClassicMenuBarAction Show or hide the Classic menu bar.
toggleClassicStatusBarAction Show or hide the Classic status bar.
toggleLoggingAction Starts or stops logging text from a host session to a printer or file.
toggleMacroRecordAction Record your actions in a VBA macro.
togglePauseMacroAction Pause the macro recording process.
toggleRibbonStateAction Show or hide the Ribbon.
toggleRPlusAction Enable or Disable Plus screen customizations.
toggleStatusBarAction Show or hide the status bar.
toggleTerminalKeyboardAction Show or hide the-on screen terminal keyboard for the current session.
traceCaslMacroAction Trace a CASL macro.
undoAction Undo the last cut or paste.
vbaMacroDialogAction Open the Run Macro dialog box to select a macro to run.
wordDocumentAction Create a Word document that includes the selected host data.

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