
Picture Preferences Dialog Box

How do I get to this dialog box?
  1. From the Windows Start menu, go to Rocket Software InfoConnect > GraphX.

  2. From the Preferences menu, select Picture.

Use these options to configure suitable options for displaying or printing a graphic. The preference values are retained in a separate picture configuration file (.UGC) if the picture is saved to disk.

**UTS60 Colors ** Use these options to remap any of the 16 colors supported by UTS60 terminals. The colors, sometimes referred to as pens, are defined in the UTS60 graphics protocol description. You can substitute a different color for each pen. This option is useful for reconfiguring an image which displays nicely, but is not suitable for printing (for example, a picture with black background.)To remap a color, select a base color then modify the values listed in the Red, Green and Blue edit boxes until you achieve the desired color. The values in the Red, Green and Blue boxes indicate the proportions used to create the selected color. All three colors combined at 255 intensity create white. All three colors blended at 0 (zero) intensity create black.
**Default Attributes ** Specifies which colors to use as the default for polygon, line and background colors. In many cases the effect is not visible because the picture command sequence establishes these colors.
**Polygon Fill Color ** Selects the default color to fill the interior of a polygon, circle, rectangle or sector if it is not explicitly set in the command sequence.
**Line Color ** Selects the default color to use for creating a line if one is not specified.
**Background Color ** Selects the default color to use for the background if one is not specified.If you want to print a picture that has a black background, you should remap the black pen (pen 0) to white. If the command sequence is setting the background to black (using pen 0), it then becomes white. If remapping pen 0 to white does not affect the background, then the application is not setting the background color. In this case, set the background to white by remapping the default black background to white.
**Isotropic Mapping Mode ** Instructs the application to display graphics with a 1:1 aspect ratio. The extents of the x and y axis will be equal. Circles appear as round instead of elliptical. The entire x axis is always visible, and the visible portion of the y axis depends on the window dimensions. An actual UTS 60 terminal display is isotropic with 100% of the x axis visible and 73% of the y axis visible. If this option is not selected, the graphics image is sized to fit the window.
**Enable Hatching ** Causes the accessory to respond to the extended features of the PI (Polygon Interior Style) command for displaying hatch patterns. If hatching is disabled, these features will be ignored and the display will more closely resemble a UTS 60 terminal.
**Vector Hatching ** Provides hatching capabilities on printers and plotters that support vector hatching but do not support bitmap hatching. Typically, bitmap hatching provides a broader range of hatching capabilities, including finer hatch patterns. Bitmap hatching is generally preferred for screen display.
**Enable Edge Styles ** Allows polygon edge styles to be affected by the LS (Set Line Style) command. Polygon edges are drawn in a style similar to the line style selected by the LS command. If this option is disabled, polygon edges are solid, more closely emulating the capabilities of a UTS 60 terminal.
**Print Inverted Gray Scale ** Inverts the color scheme when sending an image to a printing device. This is useful for printing images on a monochrome printer that were not designed for printing, allowing white images on the UTS 60 default black background to be converted into black images. In reality, the color inversion applies not only to black and white, but to all shades in between.
**Enable Host Printing ** Instructs the accessory to respond to print sequence commands ZOZS by sending the graphic image to the active printer or plotter when display of the graphic image is complete. If this option is disabled, the print sequences are ignored. The accessory considers an image complete upon receiving the ZT (Terminate Graphics) command.
Note: When printing, you can specify a picture configuration file using the Configuration Files menu option.
**Unconditional Host Print ** Forces the picture to be printed when completely received from the host and displayed regardless of whether or not the proper host printing sequences are contained within the picture command sequence.
**Minimum Text Width ** Sets the minimum width of the text associated with a graphic. Enter a value from 1 to 999. The CZ (Set Character Size) command defines the size of text for values greater than those specified here, but limits the minimum width to the value entered in this box. Some of the Windows fonts are not legible when displayed in small sizes. This option allows you to limit the minimum character size to one that is legible for the selected font.
**Minimum Text Height ** Sets the minimum height of text associated with a graphic. Enter a value from 1 to 999. The CZ (Set Character Size) command defines the size of text for values greater than those specified in configuration, but limits the minimum height to the value entered in this box.
**Marker ** Displays options which control certain aspects of the graphics marker symbols, such as size and the ASCII character to use as the configurable marker, symbol 13.
**Default ** Restores the picture preferences to their original default values.