
InfoConnect MSI Properties

The following table lists common properties in the InfoConnect .msi file, some of which are used to set default values for installation and global options. These properties can be specified on the command line or passed in by way of a transform file (see Modify Setup Properties). If installation values are not specified and the installation dialog boxes are suppressed, the default values are used.


InfoConnect uses two properties to configure the user data location. If you configure a non-default user data location, you must set both USERDATALOC_CUSTOM_PATH and WRQ_USERDIR to the same path.

Property Description
WRQ_USERDIR=path Sets the location for user data. (Also set USERDATALOC_CUSTOM_PATH)
COMPANYNAME=organization Sets the organization name.
INSTALLDIR=path Sets the installation path
USERDATALOC_CUSTOM=Yes|No Default is No. This property only works when USERDATALOCATIONMIN and USERDATALOCATIONMINTWO are set to Custom.
If USERDATALOCATIONMIN or USERDATALOCATIONMINTWO is set to Custom, set this value to Yes. In all other cases, set it to No.
USERDATALOC_CUSTOM_PATH=path Only works if USERDATALOCATIONMIN and USERDATALOCATIONMINTWO are set to Custom. Specifies a custom location to store user data.
If you replace the user-specific portion of the path with the string userid, when the product is run by a user for the first time, the userid portion of the path is replaced with the logged-in user’s ID.
This property also supports the string %personalfolder%. This string is replaced with the path to the user’s My Documents folder.
USERDATALOCATIONMIN=value Sets the location for user data. (Aso set WRQ_USERDIR.)
MyDocs saves data to \My Documents\Micro Focus\InfoConnect
AllUsersDocDataDir saves data to \Users\Public\Documents\Micro Focus\InfoConnect
Custom saves data to User-defined value as follows:
When you specify custom for the value, you must include the following two properties:
APPDATALOC_CUSTOM=Yes|No Default is No. This property only works if APPDATALOCATION is set toCustom. In that case, include this property and set the value to Yes.
APPDATALOC_CUSTOM_PATH= path This property only works if APPDATALOCATION is set to Custom. In that case, include this property and for path, specify a custom location to store application data.
This property supports the string %personalfolder%. This string is replaced with the path to the user’s My Documentsfolder.
APPDATALOCATION= value Sets the location where application data is saved.
MyDocs saves data to \My Documents\Micro Focus\InfoConnect
AllUsersDocuments saves data to \Users\Public\Documents\Micro Focus\InfoConnect
Custom saves data to User-defined value as follows:
When you specify custom for the value, you must include the following two properties:
RXA_ARTIFACTS_DIR=path Sets the location where artifact files are saved.