Configure Recent Typing for 6530
How do I get to this dialog box?
With a 6530 session open in InfoConnect, open the Settings window.
The steps depend on your user interface mode.
User Interface Mode Steps Ribbon or InfoConnect Browser From the Quick Access Toolbar, click .
TouchUx Tap the Gear icon and then select Document Settings.
Under Productivity, select Configure Recent Typing.
Recent typing is used to retain commonly entered lines for later re-use. When enabled, typing a character or pressing the up or down arrow keys opens an inline editor showing you commands you have previously typed just the commands that start with the character you typed, or all commands if the up or down arrow is used on an empty prompt line. Since the inline editor is a normal edit box, you can then change the command as you require and press Enter to send it to the host.
You can bring up a full list of all typed in strings by clicking on the Recent Typing item in the Productivity section of the Session ribbon. You can then select one of the commands and send it to the host by double clicking on it.
For information about creating and editing macros, using file transfer, logging, and other features, see the 6530 Help available on the Session ribbon Help group.
Record Recent Typing
Option | Description |
**Capture recent typing ** | Use this item to enable / disable recent typing entirely. If unchecked, all other elements are disabled. |
**Conversational mode capture ** | If checked, commands are recorded, and the Inline Editing item is enabled. |
**Inline editing ** | If checked, the inline editor appears when a character is typed or the up or down arrow is pressed while at a command prompt. |
**OSS mode capture ** | If checked, commands are recorded, and the Inline Editing item becomes enabled. |
**Inline editing ** | If checked, the inline editor appears when a character is typed or the up or down arrow is pressed while at a command prompt. |
**Block mode capture ** | If checked, fields that are typed into will also be stored as recent typing. Note the only way to enter a previously typed word/string into a field is through the Recent Typing box, which is opened by clicking on the Recent Typing item in the Productivity section of the Session ribbon. |
Recent Typing Options
Option | Description |
**Maximum number of items in recent typing list ** | Use this item to set the number of commands to retain in the recent typing file. |
**Minimum size of item in recent typing list (characters) ** | Use this item to set the smallest command to retain in the recent typing file. |
**Clear recent typing list when disconnected ** | If checked, all saved recently typed items are discarded. |
**Load/save recent typing list on session startup/exit ** | Use this item to indicate whether or not to save and load the recent typing list on startup and exit. |