
Permissions Manager Items for 3270 Terminal Configuration

Item Name UI Description
AllowInvalidThaiInput Turn off validity checking for Thai characters. (By default, when you enter Thai characters in a host application, InfoConnect determines whether the input is legal according to the rules of Thai character composition.)
AutoIME Automatically turn the Input Method Editor (IME) on when the cursor is in a double-byte input field, and off when the cursor is in a single-byte input field. When it is not specified, the state of the IME does not change in response to the cursor's location.
BDTIgnoreScrollLock Ignore the state of Scroll Lock.
C370CharSet Use the C/370 code page. The C/370 code page provides support for square brackets ("[" and "]").
Caption This item does not apply to this product.
CmdPrompt The character or characters in the terminal window, after which InfoConnect attempts to insert Quick Text.
CMSFileListCommand The file list command to issue on the CMS host to list files. When the Show host files button in the Transfer dialog box is clicked, InfoConnect issues the specified file list command.
CommandLineEnabled Enable the InfoConnect command line. This allows users to activate the command line (for example, with the Alt-L keystroke).
CountryExtended GraphicsCode Enable country-specific extended code page.
CursorMovementStyle Specifies how the cursor moves between composed Thai characters.
CursorProgressionIndicator Specifies how InfoConnect responds when the host queries to determine if End User Interface (EUI) enhancements are supported by the terminal. Use only for host applications that use cursor progression and queries to determine if EUI is supported.
DelayAfterAID The amount of time, measured in milliseconds, to wait before processing keystrokes after an AID key (PF1-PF24, Enter, or Clear) is pressed.
DisplayMargins Display margins around the terminal window.
EnableHotspots Enable defined hotspots
EnableQuickText Use the Quick Text feature.
EnterKeyRepeat Specifies whether holding down the Enter key is equivalent to pressing it multiple times.
ExtendHotSpots Treat a region to the right of a hotspot as part of the hotspot.
GraphicsExtendedColors Use the set of extended graphics colors (black, white, dark blue, orange, purple, dark green, dark turquoise, mustard, gray, and brown).
HostBeep Enable host beep.
HostCodePage Host Code page.
HostKeyboardType The keyboard type.
HostNumlockControl Allows the host to turn NumLock on.
HotspotsAltKey Under Choose key(s) to press in combination with mouse click, activate the Alt key.
HotspotsCtrlKey Under Choose key(s) to press in combination with mouse click, activate the Ctrl key.
HotspotsDoubleClick Under Choose key(s) to press in combination with mouse click, activate the double-click action.
HotspotsMouseButton Choose the mouse button to activate hotspots.
HotspotsShiftKey Under Choose key(s) to press in combination with mouse click, activate the Shift key.
IgnoreHostPrintreq Ignore print commands in host data streams.
InputFieldUnderlines Specify how InfoConnect underlines input fields on host screens.
InsertArena Specify the extent to which the InsertProtocol property applies — to a single field, across multiple local fields, or to all unprotected fields.
InsertProtocol Specify how a character will be inserted.
KanaLockState Specify the current Kana mode of the keyboard. When the keyboard is in Kana mode, it is capable of producing half-width Katakana characters. When it is not in Kana mode, the keyboard is in Latin character mode.
KeyboardErrorReset Keyboard error.
KeysDuringWait Allow the user to use the keyboard during a synchronous command. A synchronous command (such as Wait or WaitEvent) causes a procedure to pause until a defined waiting period expires.
MappedNumlockPreservesNumlock Specify how InfoConnect behaves if a user presses the PC NumLock key when it has been mapped to emulate the action of a terminal key.
MouseShape Specify the appearance of the mouse pointer in the terminal window.
NumberMouseButtons Specify how many buttons InfoConnect assumes the mouse has. Changing this property changes the mouse shown in the Mouse Setup dialog box.
Preserve3270insertState Specify whether pressing Enter resets the Insert mode.
PreserveEntryMode Remain in Extended Graphics or Hexadecimal mode indefinitely after either mode is entered. From Extended Graphics mode users can enter multiple graphics; from Hexadecimal mode users can enter hexadecimal characters.
QuickText Specify the contents of the Quick Text buffer.
Rectangular Selection Specify that dragging the mouse across an area selects only the text within that area. When this option is cleared (unchecked), the selection wraps to line ends.
RightControlKeyRepeat Designates the right Ctrl key as a modifier key. (A modifier key is used in combination with another key to send a function. For example, Ctrl-F1 is mapped to the Attention key in 3270 sessions).
ShowBytesRemaining Display the Show Bytes Remaining indicator on the host status line. This indicator displays the number of bytes remaining in the current field.
ShowDisplayCharsInUppercase Display characters in uppercase.
ShowHotspots Show defined HotSpots.
ShowMenuBar This item does not apply to this product.
ShowOIA Show operation and status messages in the Operator Information Area (OIA) at the bottom of the terminal window.
ShowSOSIChars Show shift-out and shift-in (SO/SI) control characters on the terminal screen. (This helps to determine where double-byte characters or fields begin and end.)
ShowStatusBar This item does not apply to this product.
SubstituteDisplayChars Specify whether zeroes should be displayed with a slash (Ø) or without a slash (0).
SupportDBCSFeatures Support double-byte character sets.
TelnetXSystem Support the X SYSTEM in 3270 sessions. X SYSTEM is a keyboard locked state that occurs when the host ends a transmission to the workstation without unlocking the keyboard. Some applications use this to notify you of a message written to the display, requiring you to reset the keyboard before you can type again. Other applications rely on SNA to unlock the keyboard.
TextBlinkRate The rate at which blinking text blinks.
TSOFileListCommand The name of the host executable to run when, from the Transfer dialog box, the Show host files button is clicked.
TSOMemberListCommand The name of the host executable to run when, from the Transfer dialog box, a member that is expanded is clicked.
TypeAhead Select to buffer characters that are typed in the terminal window. When characters are buffered, they are sent to the host as soon as possible. When characters are not buffered, anything typed while the host is not ready is lost.
UseCtrlZ Interprets the Ctrl-Z character as an end-of-file character (when reading a file) or appends the character at the end of a file (when saving a file).
WordWrap Enable word wrap.
WordWrap3270MinimumFieldLength Wrap text to the next available field when entered text is too long to fit in a text entry field.