InfoConnect VBA Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.T27 Library / T27Screen Object / GetFieldText Method
The row number at the beginning of, or within, the field.
The column number at the beginning of, or within, the field.
In This Topic
    GetFieldText Method (T27Screen)
    In This Topic
    Gets the text of the field that the specified row and column are part of. Use Row and Column parameters to identify the field that you want to get text from. Coordinates are based on 1,1 for the upper-left corner of the terminal window (as they appear on the status line if you move the cursor to the field you want to retrieve). The coordinates can be located anywhere within the field.
    expression.GetFieldText( _
       ByVal row As Integer, _
       ByVal column As Integer _
    ) As String
    where expression is a variable that represents a T27Screen Object


    The row number at the beginning of, or within, the field.
    The column number at the beginning of, or within, the field.

    Return Value

    The field contents.
    This exception is thrown if the row or column parameters are outside the range of valid values: (1 to Rows) or (1 to Columns).
    This procedure displays the first 10 characters of a field in row 1 that includes column 40.
    Sub GetFieldTextExample()
        Dim text As String
        text = ThisT27Screen.GetFieldText(1, 40)
        MsgBox text, , "Field Text"
    End Sub
    See Also