Emulation Tab for Wyse Terminal Types
How do I get to this dialog box?
Open a VT terminal session.
The steps depend on your user interface mode.
User interface mode Steps Ribbon or InfoConnect Browser With a session open in InfoConnect, from the Quick Access Toolbar, click .
TouchUX Tap the Gear icon and then select
Document Settings.
Under Terminal Configuration, click Select Terminal Type.
Under Terminal Type, select a Wyse terminal type.
Under Terminal Settings, click Terminal Setup.
Wyse Emulation options
Option | Description |
**Host character set ** | Select a character set to load as the default when a soft reset is performed; or when you invoke the DECSTR sequence. The Host character set may also be specified by the Select Character Set (SCS) sequence. |
**PC character set ** | If you need the DOS character set for file transfer or printing, select DOS from this list. |
**Received CR ** | Select how you want a received carriage return to be interpreted, as a carriage return alone (CR) or a carriage return followed by a line feed (CRLF). |
**Block terminator ** | Select the end-of-transmission delimiter for block sends. This is typically set by the host application. The default value, US/CR, sends a US at the end of a line and a CR at the end of a page/block. CRLF/ETX sends a CR and LF at the end of a line and an ETX at the end of a page. |
**Return key ** | Select the character the RETURN key transmits. |
**Enter key ** | Select the character the ENTER key transmits. |
**Online ** | Select to have InfoConnect function as a terminal (also called "remote mode"). Clear this option to enter local mode. In local mode, InfoConnect does not attempt to communicate with a host computer. Characters entered from the keyboard appear on the screen, but are not transmitted to the host; nor is any data received from the host (for example, notification of a mail message). This value is not saved with your session document. |
**New line ** | Select to send both a carriage return and line feed when you press Enter (known as new line mode). When InfoConnect receives a line feed, form feed, or vertical tab, it moves the cursor to the first column of the next line. When this option is cleared (linefeed mode), the Enter key sends only a carriage return. A line feed, form feed, or vertical tab received from the host moves the cursor down one line in the current column. If lines on the display keep getting overwritten (that is, the host is not sending a line feed along with a carriage return), select this option. If this option is selected, but the host does not expect to receive a line feed with each carriage return, lines are double-spaced on the display. |
**Autowrap ** | Select to make characters wrap to the next line automatically when the cursor reaches the right margin of the display. This setting is different from the VAX host's terminal wrap characteristic, which is set with the following DCL command: SET TERMINAL/[NO]WRAP The host command determines whether characters wrap automatically when they reach the maximum terminal width set by the host's SET TERMINAL/WIDTH command (instead of using the right margin of the display, like this setting). - If terminal wrap is set on the host, characters wrap when they reach the maximum terminal width, regardless of whether Autowrap is selected. - If terminal wrap is not set and Autowrap is cleared, new characters overwrite the character at the right margin until a carriage return is entered. |
**Recognize del ** | Select this option if you want InfoConnect to interpret a received DEL character. |
**Advanced ** | Click to open the Advanced Options dialog box, from which you can configure advanced options for this terminal type. |
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