Printing Batch Print Jobs
You can configure InfoConnect to accumulate output from a series of print events before you print. You might want to do this, for example, if you're connected to a network printer that is temporarily inoperativeyou can collect all your printed output and print it all at once when the printer is again available.
To print a batch of print jobs
Open the Print Setup dialog box. The steps depend on your user interface mode.
If you are using the Ribbon or Browser mode, click
on the Quick Access Toolbar. Then, in the Print dialog box, click Setup.
If you are using Classic mode, from the File menu, choose Print Setup.
Under Close printer, select Manually.
When you print with this option selected, the print output is spooled until you click Close Printer on the Status bar.
Clear the Auto formfeed box.
This prevents InfoConnect from ejecting the page after each print event if you're printing to a printer this saves paper; if you're printing to a file, this prevents a page break from being inserted in the output file.
Clearing this setting can also be useful if your host program sends a series of open printer and close printer escape sequences.
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