InfoConnect VBA Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Productivity Library / ScreenHistory Object / GetLiveScreenImage Method
In This Topic
    GetLiveScreenImage Method
    In This Topic
    Returns the live screen as an image.
    expression.GetLiveScreenImage() As Byte()
    where expression is a variable that represents a ScreenHistory Object

    Return Value

    The live screen, in image format.
    This method can be used in conjunction with the ScreenChanged event to build a list of screen images. The returned image can be used in conjunction with the Productivity.OfficeTools CreateWordProcessingDocumentWithGraphicSet method, provided that the installed Office Suite and installed Office Tools adapter assembly support graphics in word-processing documents.

    The returned image is subject to currently configured privacy filters.

    This example saves the current screen as a bitmap.
    Sub SaveLiveImageBmp()
        On Error GoTo handler
        Dim fname As String
        Dim image() As Byte
        'Check or set the file name for the screen
        fname = InputBox("Save current InfoConnect screen image to:", , Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\My Documents\SessionScreen.bmp")
        'If no file name is set, exit
        If fname = "" Then Exit Sub
        'Get the screen image
        image = ThisIbmTerminal.Productivity.ScreenHistory.GetLiveScreenImage()
        'Open a file and write the image data to the file
        Open fname For Binary Access Write As #1
            Put #1, , image
        Close #1
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox Err.Description
    End Sub
    See Also