InfoConnect VBA Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Productivity Library / Productivity Object / ScratchPadPanelVisible Property
In This Topic
    ScratchPadPanelVisible Property
    In This Topic
    Gets or sets the visible state of the dockable Scratch Pad panel.
    expression.ScratchPadPanelVisible As Boolean
    where expression is a variable that represents a Productivity Object

    This example loads a message in the Scratch Pad when a specific screen is ready.

    To run this example, copy this code to the ThisIbmScreen code window and save a scratchpad file as ScratchPadMessage.rtf in your Documents\Micro Focus\InfoConnect\ folder.

    Private Sub IbmScreen_NewScreenReady(ByVal sender As Variant)
        Dim ScreenID1 As String
        Dim Rtn As ReturnCode
        Dim path As String
        'Get the string at this screen position that uniquely identifies the screen to display the message on.
        'For this example, the text at row 1 and column 38 is 'Entry Panel'
        ScreenID = ThisIbmScreen.GetText(1, 38, 11)
        'If this screen is the screen we want, load the file and show the Scratch Pad.
        If ScreenID = "ENTRY PANEL" Then
            path = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Documents\Micro Focus\InfoConnect\ScratchPadMessage.rtf"
            ThisIbmTerminal.Productivity.ScratchPadLoad (path)
            ThisIbmTerminal.Productivity.ScratchPadPanelVisible = True
        End If
    End Sub
    See Also