InfoConnect VBA Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Productivity Library / AutoComplete Object / AutoCompleteOverwrite Property
In This Topic
    AutoCompleteOverwrite Property
    In This Topic
    Gets or sets how to treat text that follows an auto completion.
    expression.AutoCompleteOverwrite As ProductivityOverwriteOption
    where expression is a variable that represents a AutoComplete Object

    Property Value

    A ProductivityOverwriteOption value.
    • EraseToEof erases all data remaining in the field following the completion.
    • Insert inserts the completion and pushes all following data toward the end of the field.
    • Overwrite overwrites any existing field data.
    This sample sets auto complete to erase all data remaining in a field following the completion.
    Sub EraseDataRemainingAfterAutoComplete()
        ThisIbmTerminal.Productivity.AutoComplete.AutoCompleteOverwrite = ProductivityOverwriteOption_EraseToEof
    End Sub
    See Also