| Name | Description |
 | CancelSelection | Cancels the text selection in the terminal window. If no text is selected, this method has no effect. |
 | Copy | Copies selected text to the Clipboard. |
 | CopyAppend | Appends selected text to the end of the Clipboard. |
 | CopyToBuffer | Copies selected text to one of 4 clipboard buffers. If an invalid bufferNum value is specified, the request is ignored. |
 | Cut | Cuts selected text and copies it to the Clipboard. |
 | ExtendSelection | Selects a rectangular block of text in the terminal window between the selection start position (or row 1, column 1, if there is no selection start position) and the specified coordinates. |
 | ExtendSelectionRect | Selects all text in the terminal window in all rows between the starting row and the specified row (or row 1, column 1, if there is no selection start position). |
 | FindField1 | Locates a field starting from the specified row and column. |
 | FindField2 | Locates a field that matches the specified field length, starting from the specified row and column. |
 | FindField3 | Locates a field that matches the specified field attributes, starting from the specified row and column. |
 | FindField4 | Locates a field that matches the specified field length and field attributes, starting from the specified row and column. |
 | GetCharacter | Gets the ScreenCharacter at the specified location. |
 | GetCharacters | Gets ScreenCharacter objects from the specified location, each representing one character at a screen location. |
 | GetField | Gets the host field that the specified row and column are part of. |
 | GetFields | Gets a host field collection that matches specifed fieldAttributes. |
 | GetFieldText | Gets the text of the field that the specified row and column are part of. Use Row and Column parameters to identify the field that you want to get text from. Coordinates are based on 1,1 for the upper-left corner of the terminal window (as they appear on the status line if you move the cursor to the field you want to retrieve). The coordinates can be located anywhere within the field. |
 | GetText | Gets the text from the specified location. |
 | GetTextEx | Gets the text from the specified screen area. |
 | IsAttribute | Tests whether the specified screen location is a field attribute position. |
 | LockInput | Locks the screen so that users cannot input on keyboard. |
 | MoveCursorTo1 | Moves the cursor to the specified screen location. |
 | MoveCursorTo2 | Moves the cursor to the specified screen location. |
 | Paste | Copies data from the Clipboard to the cursor location in the terminal window.
 | PasteContinue | Pastes text leftover from a previous Paste command. |
 | PasteFromBuffer | Pastes data from a specified clipboard buffer, if the specified buffer contains data. Ignored if an invalid bufferNum value is specified, or if the specified clipboard buffer does not contain data. |
 | PutCharacter | Puts a ScreenCharacter at the specified screen location. |
 | PutText1 | Puts text at the specified screen location. |
 | PutText2 | Puts the text at the specified screen location. |
 | ScreenCoordinateToIndex | Converts screen position in row and column to linear screen buffer index. |
 | ScreenIndexToColumn | Gets the column value of a screen location pointed to by screenIndex. |
 | ScreenIndexToCoordinate | Gets the screen coordinate of a screen location pointed to by screenIndex. |
 | ScreenIndexToRow | Gets the row value of a screen location pointed to by screenIndex. |
 | SearchText1 | Searches the specified text starting from the specified screen location. |
 | SearchText2 | Searches the specified text starting from the specified screen location for "searchRange" byte positions. |
 | SearchText3 | Searches the specified text, starting from the specified screen location and ending at the specified end screen location. |
 | SearchText4 | Searches the specified text, starting from the specified screen location and ending at the specified end screen location. |
 | SelectAll | Selects all of the text in the terminal window. |
 | SendControlKey | Sends a host control key to the host. |
 | SendControlKeySync | Sends a host control key to the host. |
 | SendKeys | Sends the text string to the host. |
 | SetSelectionStartPos | Sets starting coordinates for selecting text. You can also set the selection start position by clicking in the terminal window with the mouse. If no selection start position has been set, the default is row 1, column 1. |
 | UnlockInput | Unlocks the screen. See the LockInput() method for more information. |
 | Wait | Waits for the specified duration before executing the next command in the procedure. The procedure containing the command is paused until the wait expires. |
 | WaitForControlKey | Waits for the specified control key press. |
 | WaitForCursor1 | Waits for the cursor to be at the specified screen location. |
 | WaitForCursor2 | Waits for the cursor to be in the rectangle area specified by startRow, startColumn, endRow and endColumn. |
 | WaitForHostSettle | Waits for host screen data to settle. |
 | WaitForKeyboardEnabled | Wait for the keyboard to be unloacked enabled and ready for additional input. |
 | WaitForText1 | Waits for the specified text to appear at the specified screen location. TextComparisonOption indicates desired text string comparison. |
 | WaitForText2 | Waits for the specified text to appear at the specified rectangle area specified. TextComparisonOption indicates desired text string comparison. |