| Name | Description |
 | Attributes | Gets a bit mask that contains all of the field attributes. |
 | ContainsCharacterSpecificAttributes | Gets a value that indicates whether the field must be examined on a character-by-character basis for character-specific attributes. |
 | EndColumn | Gets the field end column. |
 | EndPosition | Specifies the column and row coordinates of the end position. |
 | EndRow | Gets the field end row. |
 | ForegroundColor | Gets the foreground color set for the specified terminal attribute. |
 | IsAlphaOnlyField | Gets a value that indicates whether the field is an alpha-only field. Note: IScreenDataConstants.FIELD_ALPHA_ONLY |
 | IsAplCharacterSet | Gets a value that indicates whether the data cell is displayed with APL characters. Note: IScreenDataConstants.ATTR_CHAR_SET_AP |
 | IsAttributeSpace | Specifies whether field attributes occupy space on the screen. It returns true if field attributes occupy screen space. |
 | IsAutoEnterField | Gets a value that indicates whether the field is a auto enter field. Note: IScreenDataConstants.FIELD_AUTO_ENTER |
 | IsBlinking | Gets a value that indicates whether the data cell contains blinking text. Note: IScreenDataconstants.ATTR_BLINK |
 | IsBlockField | Gets a value that indicates whether the field is a block field. Note: IScreenDataConstants.FIELD_MODE_BLOCK |
 | IsColumnSeparator | Gets a value that indicates whether the data cell contains a column separator. Note: IScreenDataConstants.ATTR_COLUMN_SEPARATOR |
 | IsDbcsEither | Gets a value that indicates whether the field is a DBCS Either field. |
 | IsDbcsField | Gets a value that indicates whether the field is of any DBCS field type. |
 | IsDbcsGraphics | Gets a value that indicates whether the field is a DBCS Graphics field. |
 | IsDbcsMixed | Gets a value that indicates whether the field is a DBCS Mixed field. |
 | IsDbcsOnlyField | Gets a value that indicates whether the field is a DBCS Only field. |
 | IsDbcsOpen | Gets a value indicating whether the field is a DBCS Open field. |
 | IsDbcsPureField | Gets a value that indicates whether the field is a DBCS Pure field. |
 | IsDefaultDisplay | Gets a value that indicates whether the data cell is displayed with default attributes. Note: IScreenDataConstants.ATTR_DEFAULT |
 | IsDigitsField | Gets a value that indicates whether the field is a digits field. Note: IScreenDataConstants.FIELD_DIGITS |
 | IsDupField | Gets a value that indicates whether the field is a duplicate format control order field. Note: IScreenDataConstants.FIELD_MARK_DUP |
 | IsExitRequiredField | Gets a value that indicates whether the field is an exit required field. Note: IScreenDataConstants.FIELD_EXIT_REQ |
 | IsHighIntensity | Gets a value that indicates whether the data cell contains high intensity text. Note: IScreenDataConstants.ATTR_HIGH_INTENSITY |
 | IsLightPenField | Gets a value that indicates whether the field is a light pen field. Note: IScreenDataConstants.FIELD_LIGHT_PEN |
 | IsMagneticStripField | Gets a value that indicates whether the field is a magnetic strip field. Note: IScreenDataConstants.FIELD_MAGNETIC_STRIP |
 | IsMandatoryEntryField | Gets a value that indicates whether the field is a mandatory entry field. Note: IScreenDataConstants.FIELD_MANDATORY_ENTRY |
 | IsMandatoryFillField | Gets a value that indicates whether the field is a mandatory fill field. Note: IScreenDataConstants.FIELD_MANDATORY_FILL |
 | IsMessageField | Gets a value that indicates whether the field is a message field. Note: IScreenDataConstants.FIELD_TYPE_MESSAGE |
 | IsModified | Specifies whether the field has been modified. It returns true if the field has been modified. |
 | IsNumericOnlyField | Gets a value that indicates whether the field is a numeric-only field. Note: IScreenDataConstants.FIELD_NUMERIC_ONLY |
 | IsNumericShiftField | Gets a value that indicates whether the field is a numeric shift field. Note: IScreenDataConstants.FIELD_NUMERIC_SHIFT |
 | IsOverline | Gets a value that indicates whether the data cell contains overlined text. Note: IScreenDataconstants.ATTR_OVERLINE |
 | IsProtectedField | Gets a value that indicates whether the field is a protected field. Note: IScreenDataConstants.FIELD_MODE_PROTECTED |
 | IsReverse | Gets a value that indicates whether the data cell is displayed in reverse video mode. Note: IScreenDataConstants.ATTR_REVERSE |
 | IsRightAdjustBlankFillField | Gets a value that indicates whether the field is a right-align, blank-fill field. Note: IScreenDataConstants.FIELD |
 | IsRightAdjustZeroFillField | Gets a value that indicates whether the field is a right-align, zero-fill field. Note: IScreenDataConstants.FIELD_RA_ZEROFILL |
 | IsRightJustifiedField | Gets a value that indicates whether the field is a right-aligned field. Note: IScreenDataConstants.FIELD_RIGHT_JUSTIFIED |
 | IsSignedNumericField | Gets a value that indicates whether the field is a signed numeric field. Note: IScreenDataConstants.FIELD_SIGNED_NUMERIC |
 | IsStrikethrough | Gets a value that indicates whether the data cell contains strikethrough text. Note: IScreenDataConstants.ATTR_STRIKETHROUGH |
 | IsUnderline | Gets a value that indicates whether the data cell contains underlined text. Note: IScreenDataconstants.ATTR_UNDERLINE |
 | IsUppercaseField | Gets a value that indicates whether the field is an uppercase field. Note: IScreenDataConstants.FIELD_UPPERCASE |
 | IsUserField | Gets a value that indicates whether the field is a user field. Note: IScreenDataConstants.FIELD_TYPE_USER |
 | IsVisible | Gets a value that indicates whether the data cell contains visible text. Note: IScreenDataConstants.ATTR_VISIBLE |
 | Length | Specifies the length of this field, including field attributes. |
 | StartColumn | Gets the field start column. |
 | StartPosition | Specifies the column and row coordinates of this field. |
 | StartRow | Gets the field start row. |
 | Text | Gets field text. |