Your Technical Support analyst may ask you to perform an event trace. An event trace "captures" all communications activity (except for modem commands), and all keystrokes, commands, and menu and dialog box selections. This data is saved in an event file.
To use the trace data, you will need to process it to create a report of the data or to create a file that "plays" the trace.
To perform an event trace
With a VT session open in the workspace, open the Start Trace dialog box as follows:
The steps depend on your user interface mode.
User Interface Mode |
Steps |
Ribbon |
On the Toolstab, in the Tracinggroup, click Start Trace. |
InfoConnect Browser |
On the Browser InfoConnect menu, choose Tools, Traceand then Start Trace. |
TouchUX |
Tap the Wrench icon, and then under Trace, select Start Trace. |
In the Start Trace dialog box, enter a path and file name for the event (.rev) file and click Save. (If you have spoken with a support technician, use your service request number as the name of your trace file.)
Perform the actions required to demonstrate the problem.
After the problem is demonstrated, click Stop Trace in the Tracinggroup (if using the Ribbon) or on the Tools, > Tracemenu (if using the Browser).
The trace data is saved in the event file.
To process trace data
After creating the event file, follow these steps to create a report or a script that "plays" the trace.
With a VT session open in the workspace, open the Process Event Trace dialog box as follows:
The steps depend on your user interface mode.
User Interface Mode |
Steps |
Ribbon |
On the Toolstab, in the Tracinggroup, click Process Trace. |
InfoConnect Browser |
In the search box, enter Pand then, under Actions, select Process Trace. |
TouchUX |
Tap the Wrench icon and then, under Trace, select Process Trace. |
Select how to process the trace:
To |
Do this... |
Create a InfoConnect Basic script that you can use to play the trace. |
Select Generate script. |
Create a report in a text-based file format. |
Select Generate report and then select options to format the report under Report format. (See Process Event Trace Dialog Box (VT Sessions.) |
Click OK. The Open Events dialog box appears.
In the File namebox, select the event file to process, and click Open.
If you selected Generate script, the Save Event Commands dialog box opens.
If you selected Generate report, the Save Event Report dialog box opens.
Enter the file name and click Save.
Scripts are saved as InfoConnect Basic .rbs files.
Reports are saved in .txt files. The report is automatically displayed after it is saved.
To play trace data
The steps depend on your user interface mode.
User Interface Mode |
Steps |
InfoConnect Ribbon |
On the Tools ribbon, from the Tracing group, click Play Trace. |
InfoConnect Browser |
On the InfoConnect menu, choose Tools, Trace, and then Play Trace. |
TouchUX |
Tap the Wrench icon and then under Trace, select Play Trace. |
In the Play Trace dialog box, select an event trace .rbs file and click Open.
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