Items in this list configure terminal emulation settings for ssh and ssh2 command line sessions. These settings can be implemented by adding them manually to the Secure Shell configuration file, or by using the -o switch on the command line.
NOTE:These settings affect command line terminal sessions only; they have no affect on terminal sessions running in the InfoConnect user interface.
The configuration file is organized into sections, each identified by a Host keyword. Each section specifies settings to be used for all connections made using the specified host or SSH configuration scheme.
The configuration file consists of keywords followed by values. Configuration options may be separated by white space or by optional white space and exactly one equal sign (=). Keywords are case-insensitive and arguments are case-sensitive.
Any line starting with a number sign (#) is a comment. Any empty line is ignored.
Quotation marks are required around string arguments that include spaces. Terminal emulation keywords and arguments are not case-sensitive.
NOTE:Keywords for configuring Secure Shell connections are available in a separate list. See Configuration File Keyword Reference - Secure Shell Settings.
When AutoAnswerback is set to 'yes', AnswerBackMessage specifies the string that is sent to the host in response to an answerback request (the ENQ character-ASCII 5).
AutoAnswerback yes AnswerbackMessage "My answer back string"
When AutoAnswerback is set to yes, the message string specified using the AnswerBackMessage keyword is automatically sent to the host after a connection is made.
AutoAnswerback yes AnswerbackMessage "My answer back string"
Determines what happens when the cursor reaches the right margin. When set to yes, characters will wrap to the next line automatically when the cursor reaches the right margin of the terminal window. When set to no, the cursor is not automatically advanced when it reaches the right margin-as you type additional characters, each character overwrites the previous character until you move the cursor.
AutoWrap yes
Specifies the behavior of the backspace key. When set to no, the backspace key transmits a backspace (ASCII 8) character. When set to yes, the backspace key transmits the delete (ASCII 127) character.
BackspaceKeyIsDel yes
Specifies how the client handles keys on the cursor keypad. When set to no, the cursor keypad is set to normal mode-the cursor keypad keys transmit cursor escape sequences. When set to yes, the cursor keypad is set to application mode-cursor keypad keys will transmit application escape sequences.
CursorKeyMode yes
Specifies the cursor style.
CursorStyle Block
Specifies whether the cursor is visible. When set to no, the cursor is not visible in the terminal window.
CursorVisible no
Sets the number of columns in the terminal window.
DisplayCols 120
Sets the number of rows in the terminal window.
DisplayRows 30
Specifies a non-default host character set.
Possible String Values:
Default: PC437_English
Sample syntax:
HostCharacterSet EUC_Japanese
Specifies whether typing is in insert or replace mode. When set to no, typing replaces existing characters at the cursor location. When set to yes, new characters are inserted at the cursor location, and existing characters are moved to the right.
InsertMode yes
Specifies whether the terminal window uses inverse video. When set to yes, foreground and background colors for all screen attributes are reversed.
InverseVideo yes
Specifies whether the keyboard is available. When set to yes, the keyboard is locked and cannot be used.
KeyBoardActionMode yes
Determines whether a margin bell sounds. When set to yes, the bell sounds when the cursor is eight characters from the right margin. Set this setting to no to prevent sounding the margin bell.
MarginBell no
Specifies whether the client is in linefeed or newline mode. When set to no (linefeed mode), pressing the Enter key sends only a carriage return. Received linefeeds, formfeeds, and vertical tabs move the cursor down one line in the current column. When set to yes (newline mode), pressing the Enter key sends both a carriage return and a linefeed. Received formfeeds, and vertical tabs move the cursor to the first column of the next line.
NewLine yes
Use one of the supported string values to specify a different National Replacement Character set. You must also set the UseNRC keyword to yes to enable this.
Possible String Values:
UseNRC yes NRCSet British
Specifies how the client handles the keys on the numeric key pad. When set to yes, the keypad is set to numeric mode — the keypad keys transmit numeric values when pressed. When set to no, the keypad is set to application mode — the keypad keys transmit application escape sequences such as home, up, and right.
NumericKeyPadMode no
Specifies the cursor's home position. When set to no, the cursor's home position is at the upper-left hand corner of the terminal window. When set to yes the cursor's home position is relative to the terminal windows margin settings.
OriginMode yes
Specifies how 8-bit C1 control codes are transmitted. When set to yes, 7-bit equivalents are transmitted for the 8-bit C1 control codes. When set to no, 8-bit C1 control codes are transmitted.
NOTE:The default value for HostCharacterSet for the ssh command line client is PC437_English. If you want to send C1 controls, you need to set HostCharacterSet to DECMultinational or one of the ISOLatin character sets.
SevenBitControls no
Specifies which terminal type the client emulates.
TerminalModel vt102
When this is set to yes, you can specify a National Replacement Character set using the NRCSet keyword.
UseNRC yes NRCSet British
When set to yes, ANSI color escape sequences are supported.
UseANSIColor no
Specifies whether a warning bell sounds. When set to yes, the bell sounds when a bell character (ASCII 7) is received from the host or entered from the keyboard. Set this setting to no to prevent sounding the warning bell.
WarningBell no
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