Using InfoConnect printer sessions, you can print host jobs using your Windows printer.
To configure printer session settings
Open a printer session.
Configure settings using any of the following:
To |
From the printer panel, do this |
Configure the connection to an IBM host |
From the Connection menu, choose Session Setup. The Session Setup dialog box appears. |
Configure host-related printing options |
Click Setup. The Printer Session Setup dialog box appears. |
Configure the way text and images are arranged on the page |
From the Filemenu, choose Page Setup. |
Select a printer or configure printer properties |
From the Filemenu, choose Print Setup. |
View a complete list of current printing settings |
From the Setupmenu, choose View Settings. |
To save the changes to your printer session file, from the printer panel, from the File menu, choose Save.
Printer session files use a *.rsf file extension.