In the Configure a UTS session for OS2200 file transfer using the Configure File Transfer Settings dialog box.
Connect to the host.
Initiate the download. The steps depend on your user interface mode.
Ribbon |
With a session open, from the Session Ribbon, click Receive File. |
Classic MDI |
With a session open, from the Toolsmenu, select Receive File. |
Use this dialog box to transfer files from the host to the PC.
Configure the following settings, then click Transfer to initiate the transfer.
PC file name |
The name of the local file you want to transfer to the host. Include full path information. |
If file exists |
Specify the action to take if a file with the same name as the one you are transferring already exists on the PC: Append - Add the contents of the file being transferred to the end of the existing file. Overwrite - Replace the existing file with the file being transferred. Cancel - Do not transfer the file. You can change the default for this option in the Configure File Transfer Settings dialog box. |
Host file name |
The name of the host file you want the file to transfer to the PC. |