9.1.2 MAPPER: Receive File Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to transfer MAPPER report data from host to the PC.

Configure the following settings, then click Transfer to initiate the transfer:

PC File Name

The name that the MAPPER report will have on the PC. Include full path information.

If file exists

Append - Add the data in the MAPPER report to the end of the PC file.

Overwrite - Replace the existing file.

Cancel - Do not transfer the data.

You can change the default for this option in the Configure File Transfer Settings dialog box.

File Options


The number (1-9999) that identifies the MAPPER report that you want to download to the PC.

If the report already appears in the session window, you can leave this text box blank.


The letter (A-I) of the drawer that contains the MAPPER report that you want to download to the PC.

If the report already appears in the session window, you can leave this text box blank.

File Type

Specify how to handle tabs in the MAPPER report:

Comma separated fields - Convert tabs to commas (most spreadsheets and databases can import files in this format).

Convert tabs to spaces - Convert tabs to spaces.

Do not change tabs - Retain the tabs.

You can change the default for this option in the Configure File Transfer Settings dialog box.

Formatted RID

Select this option if you want to reserve the first column of the file for commands. If you clear this option, data can be written in the first column.

Note: You can change the default for this option in the Configure File Transfer Settings dialog box.

Trim trailing spaces

Select this option to delete any extra spaces that might exist at the end of the received file.

You can change the default for this option in the Configure File Transfer Settings dialog box.

Retain header on download

Select this option to retain MAPPER header information in the file when it is downloaded.

If you plan to upload this file again later, it is recommended that you clear this option. If you select this option and then subsequently upload the file, the MAPPER report will have two headers: the one inherent in the MAPPER report, and the one included in the PC file.

You can change the default for this option in the Configure File Transfer Settings dialog box.