In This Topic
Every keyword Help topic includes a syntax line that defines the syntax rules for that keyword. Following are some guidelines for understanding and using correct command syntax in your Visual Basic macros:
- Keywords and arguments are not case sensitive. You can use uppercase or lowercase text.
- Use square brackets ([ ]) to indicate that an argument is optional.
- Use items shown in command language (that is, plain text — not italic) exactly as they appear in the syntax statement.
- Italic words indicate placeholders for variable names, text, or values that you should supply.
- Use arguments (except for named arguments) in the order shown in the syntax statement.
- Enclose literal string arguments in quotation marks. (String variables don't require quotation marks.)
- For strings that appear within other strings, use double quotation marks; for example:
ThisScreen.SomeMethod ("Say ""Hello"" to Jon")
- Precede InfoConnect methods or properties with the InfoConnect object and a period. Or, use a With statement to identify the object.
The method and property signatures displayed in the InfoConnect VBA reference section typically refer to an object. For example:
The syntax you use to reference the object in this signature depends on whether you are calling the method from an InfoConnect macro, a session created at runtime, or a macro developed in another application, like Excel.
Let's take a look at how to use the syntax displayed in the Help for the GetText method.