InfoConnect VBA Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.OpenSystems Library / Terminal Object / TerminalType Property
In This Topic
    TerminalType Property (Terminal)
    In This Topic
    Gets or sets the terminal that InfoConnect is to emulate.
    expression.TerminalType As TerminalTypeOption
    where expression is a variable that represents a Terminal Object

    Property Value

    A TerminalTypeOption value
    When you set TerminalType to ANSIBBS or ANSIUNIX, the default values for the following properties change:

    Property, to the default Value for ANSIBBS and ANISUNIX.

    DisplayRows, to 25.

    EndOfLineWrap, to true.

    TransmitXonXoff, to true.

    UseAnsiColor, to true.

    In addition, the value of TransmitPacing automatically becomes None. (TransmitPacing is a "keyword token" you can use to configure a connection in InfoConnect.)

    If TerminalType is set to a non-ANSI value, these properties revert to their non-ANSI defaults.

    See Also