InfoConnect VBA Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.OpenSystems Library / Terminal Object / Connect Method
In This Topic
    Connect Method (Terminal)
    In This Topic
    Connects to the host. It is ignored if a connection already exists.
    expression.Connect() As ReturnCode
    where expression is a variable that represents a Terminal Object

    Return Value

    One of the following ReturnCode enumeration values.

    Member Description
    Cancelled Cancelled.
    Error Error.
    PermissionRequired Permission is required.
    Success Success.
    Timeout Timeout condition.
    Truncated The text is truncated.

    Use the IsConnected property to determine if a connection already exists. Use HostCommTimeout to specify how many seconds InfoConnect should wait for a host response.
    'This example switches a connection from telnet to SSH and saves the session
    Sub ConnectExample()
        If ThisTerminal.connectionType = ConnectionTypeOption_Telnet Then
            'First disconnect so you can change the settings
            'Change the connection type
            ThisTerminal.connectionType = ConnectionTypeOption_SecureShell
            'Reconnect and save with the new settings
        End If
    End Sub
    See Also