InfoConnect VBA Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.IbmHosts Library / FileTransfer Object / DfltExistsAction Property
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    DfltExistsAction Property
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    Gets or sets what happens during an IND$FILE transfer if the destination file already exists.
    expression.DfltExistsAction As FileExistsOption
    where expression is a variable that represents a FileTransfer Object

    Property Value

    A FileExistsOption value.
    Append Adds the file being transferred to the existing destination file.
    AskUser Prompts the user to choose from these property values.
    OpenError Fails the transfer (and returns an error).
    Overwrite Replaces the destination file. (The default.)

    This property only affects transfers done using the Transfer dialog box, since an "IfFileExists" option must be specified in transfer methods.

    See Also