Name | Description | |
ClearDisplayMemory | Clears all display memory including the currently displayed screen. | |
ClearScreen | Clears the current screen in display memory. | |
ClearSelection | Clears current selection. Ignored if emulating a VT terminal. | |
Copy | Overloaded. Copies ASCII text data to the clipboard. | |
CopyAppend | Overloaded. Appends selected text to the end of the clipboard. | |
CopyToBuffer | Copies selected text to one of four clipboard buffers. If an invalid bufferNum value is specified, the request is ignored. Note: This property is supported only by the InfoConnect Desktop product. It is not supported by other Micro Focus products. | |
DisplayFile | Displays the specified local file on the terminal screen. | |
DisplayText | Overloaded. Displays a string in the terminal window as though it had been received from the host. | |
ExtendSelection | Selects all text in the terminal window between the selection start position and the specified coordinates. Use the SetSelectionStartPos method to set the starting coordinates. | |
ExtendSelectionRect | Selects all text in the terminal window in all rows between the starting row and the specified row. Use the SetSelectionStartPos method to set the starting coordinates. | |
GetCharacter | Gets the ScreenCharacter at the specified location. | |
GetCharacterAttributes | Retrieves character attributes for the specified position. | |
GetCharacters | Gets ScreenCharacter objects from the specified location, each representing one character at a screen location. The length argument specifies the number of screen bytes to get. In SBCS, the number of screen bytes is the same as that of ScreenCharacter objects. In DBCS, the two numbers can be different. If the last byte is only one half byte of a DBCS character, the last byte is not returned. | |
GetText | Overloaded. Gets the text from the specified location. The length argument specifies the number of screen bytes to get. In SBCS, the number of screen bytes is the same as that of the ScreenCharacter objects. In DBCS, the two numbers can be different. If the last byte is only one half byte of a DBCS character, the last byte is not returned. | |
LockInput | Locks the screen so that users cannot input on keyboard. Other means of input (such as macros or the application programming interface) are still available. To release the lock, use UnlockInput(). | |
Paste | Copies data from the clipboard to the current cursor location. | |
PasteFromBuffer | Pastes data from one of four clipboard buffers. If an invalid bufferNum value is specified, or if the specified clipboard buffer does not contain data, the request is ignored. Note: This property is supported only by the InfoConnect Desktop product. It is not supported by other Micro Focus products. | |
ReadChars | Overloaded. Reads a specified number of characters from the host. | |
ReadLine | Overloaded. Reads data from the host until a line-feed character is encountered. | |
ReadUntil | Overloaded. Read data from the host until one of the specified terminator characters is received. The terminator character is not included in the returned string. | |
SaveDisplayMemory | Overloaded. Writes the entire display memory contents to a file. | |
SearchText | Overloaded. Searches for the specified text, starting from the specified screen location. | |
SelectAll | Selects all of the text on the screen. | |
SelectText | Selects specified display memory text. | |
SendControlKey | Send host control key to host. | |
SendControlKeySync | Send host control key to host. The method does not return until the screen has settled for the time duration measured by the ScreenSettleTime property. | |
SendKeys | Overloaded. Sends the text string to the host. | |
SetSelectionStartPos | Sets starting coordinates for selecting text. | |
UnlockInput | Unlocks the screen. See the LockInput() method for more information. | |
Wait | Wait for the specified duration. | |
WaitForControlKey | Waits for the specified control key press. | |
WaitForHostSettle | Overloaded. Waits for host screen data to settle (no incoming data for the specified settle time). | |
WaitForIncomingData | Overloaded. Waits for any data to come from the host. The keyboard is disabled. | |
WaitForString | Overloaded. Waits for the specified text to be received from the host. | |
WaitForStrings | Overloaded. Waits for one of the specified text strings to be received from the host. | |
WaitUntil | Overloaded. Waits until the specified time. |